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Metrics At Scale: How to Scale and Manage Millions of Metrics (Part 2)

With businesses collecting millions of metrics, let’s look at how they can efficiently scale and deal with these amounts. As covered in the previous article (A Spike in Sales Is Not Always Good News), analyzing millions of metrics for changes may result in alert storms, notifying users about EVERY change, not just the most significant ones. To bring order to this situation, Anodot groups correlated anomalies together, in a unified alert.

6 Things You Need in an IT Incident Management Platform

Your incident management process is greatly impacted by the tools you have available. And technology is key when it comes to gaining visibility and obtaining contextual data. You need tools to send alerts when incidents arise, as well as track activity for compliance reporting purposes. Whether you’re in healthcare, information technology or work at a small MSP – you need a robust incident management platform that gives you results and helps mitigate MTTR.

Check output metric extraction with InfluxDB & Grafana

Sensu is an extremely powerful standalone monitoring framework, but the real beauty of Sensu lies in its ability to harmoniously interact with, support, and instrument other tools to create a customized and complete monitoring solution. Take metrics for example: Sensu offers multiple mechanisms to monitor performance metrics such as check output metric extraction and StatsD.

6 Reasons to Think of Pager Replacement Options

Antiquated pieces of technology create setbacks in every industry, and in healthcare – it’s the pager! Pagers are still being used even though they’re not HIPAA compliant and the infrastructure supporting them is dying out. That’s why doctors and healthcare personnel alike need an advanced way to communicate and protect patient information. Here are six reasons to think of pager replacement options.

DevOps Redemption: Don't Let Outdated Data Analytics Tools Slow You Down

You know what’s not fun for DevOps engineers? Manually investigating and troubleshooting issues within their applications. It’s also no longer feasible in today’s highly complex and fast moving IT landscape. Gone are the days of using legacy on-premises tools for modern applications and infrastructures because they simply aren’t compatible.

Monitor Azure Kubernetes Service with Datadog

Microsoft recently released Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), a managed service that helps you deploy, run, and scale Kubernetes clusters. We’re pleased to share that Datadog’s integrations with Kubernetes and Azure Monitor can give you comprehensive visibility into your AKS infrastructure with no additional configuration.

How Bitbucket Data Center's largest customers scale with Git

Supporting a growing software team is a daunting challenge, and Git is often at the heart of that task. Ensuring developers can effectively collaborate requires user provisioning, tool permissions, and enough horsepower to support all of the load. If you support a distributed team, the factors become more complex. How do you ensure developers have a consistent experience across geographies and help productivity flourish?

Feature Spotlight: HTTP(S) Check

HTTP(S) checks are the most basic checks available on the Uptime platform, but they are by no means simplistic. Adding additional parameters provides important and useful statistics. Your basic HTTP(S) Check monitors a specific web or IP address, with optional parameters that provide additional functionality. It will likely be the first check you create, but the functionality of an HTTP(S) check allows for a variety of valuable escalation scenarios.