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5 secrets design-led companies know about boosting customer value

Just when you think you’ve got this whole “knowledge economy” thing figured out, here comes the “creative economy” – the world in which your ability to succeed and add value is limited only by your imagination. Of course, that creativity needs to be informed by a deep understanding of your customers.

All the Security and Compliance Features Announced at AWS Re:Invent 2018

Yet another Re:Invent has concluded, leaving behind a trail of announcements, new features, and vendor swag (how many T-shirts can we possibly own?). Security was a hot topic at this year’s conference; so much so that it was mentioned in-depth within the first 10 minutes of Andy Jassy’s keynote and numerous times afterwards, as well as during Werner Vogel’s keynote the following day.

Using Terraform for container security as code with Sysdig Secure

In the following tutorial you can learn how to implement container security as code. You probably have a CI/CD pipeline to automatically rebuild your container images. What if you could define your container security as code, push it into a Git repository to version control changes and then enforce your policy in your container orchestration tool like Docker or Kubernetes using Sysdig Secure?

Using Ruby on AWS Lambda

When Ruby support on AWS Lambda was announced yesterday, I was so excited about it that I had to try it right away. We've been using Lambda for a while at Honeybadger, and I have longed to be able to write our functions in Ruby. Having played with the new Ruby support for a few hours, I'm feeling confident we'll be spending less time with Node, Go, and Python. :)

CFEngine 3.12.1 LTS Released

CFEngine 3.12.1 LTS has now been released. This release brings many stability and performance improvements to the 3.12 LTS series. It is a stable and well-tested version of CFEngine. We wish to extend a big thanks to the ecosystem that helps make CFEngine great by reporting bugs, contributing fixes and suggesting new and improved functionality. Without you, CFEngine would not be the powerful, high performance, widely used product we all appreciate today!

Start Transfer for SFTP Servers Action

This week was very exciting at AWS re:Invent. There were many, many new services announced. One new service that was announced is called AWS Transfer for SFTP. AWS Transfer for SFTP allows you to setup a managed SFTP server which will upload and download files to Amazon S3, using the SFTP protocol. This is a great way to transfer files in to and out of Amazon S3 using standard tools.

How to Minimize Troubleshooting Time by Correlating Events with Performance

LogicMonitor’s CloudWatch Events integration enables you to minimize troubleshooting time by displaying contextual events for your monitored resources alongside performance data. Many routine events, such as deployments, resource provisioning and de-provisioning, or configuration changes, have the potential to impact resource performance. Without being able to see the event in the same context as the performance data, it can be challenging to correlate the two.