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Delivering scalable DevOps practices with Docker in Bamboo 6.4

How many times have you had to work through local environment issues when running code only to have it fail as soon as it tests start to run? With Bamboo’s Docker Runner, those problems are a thing of the past. Now, create and isolate your end-to-end build processes inside Docker containers with full control to install build dependencies or manage resource usage.

An Introduction to Java's ThreadLocal Storage

As its name suggests, a single instance of ThreadLocal can store different values for each thread independently. Therefore, the value stored in a ThreadLocal instance is specific (local) to the current running thread. Any other code logic running on the same thread will see the same value, but not the values set on the same instance by other threads. There are exceptions, though, like InhertiableThreadLocal, which inherits parent threads’ values by default.

Three Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Status Page

An outage with one, several or all of your servers is hectic enough, but add in a stream of emails and phone calls from concerned customers and you’ve got a full-on situation. When you start receiving these emails, phone calls or texts from clients who need access to their applications on these servers, you may have to individually answer each request in an emergency or during scheduled maintenance.

Vulnerability Scanning with RapidSpike

The latest addition to the ever growing Security Monitoring tools from RapidSpike is the ability to perform Vulnerability Scans of your external facing servers and web applications. Cyber Security is a massive area of concern for every website or web application owner and ensuring that your applications and servers are free from vulnerabilities is critical in ensuring the ongoing availability of your service.