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Introducing the incident communication template generator

When things go wrong, your users need to know – but it’s not always easy to determine what to say or how to say it. If you’re responsible for getting the word out to hundreds or thousands of users, it can feel like a heavy weight on your shoulders. The task at hand is urgent, yet must be handled delicately. As someone who’s handled incident communication on Statuspage’s status page – the mother of all status pages – I know how difficult these moments are.

Loki's Path to GA: Query Optimization, Part One

Launched at KubeCon North America last December, Loki is a Prometheus-inspired service that optimizes storage, search, and aggregation while making logs easy to explore natively in Grafana. Loki is designed to work easily both as microservices and as monoliths, and correlates logs and metrics to save users money. Less than a year later, Loki has almost 6,500 stars on GitHub and is now quickly approaching GA.

Introducing On-Demand Logging with Logz.io Drop Filters

Logs need to be stored. In some cases, for a long period of time. Whether you’re using your own infrastructure or a cloud-based solution, this means that at some stage you’ll be getting a worried email from your CFO or CPO asking you to take a close look at your logging architecture. This, in turn, will push you to limit some data pipelines and maybe even totally shut off others. Maybe we don’t need those debug logs after all, right? Wrong.

Top 3 RapidSpike E-commerce Tools: Part 1 - User Journeys

Performance and security are the lifeblood of an e-commerce website. The moment pages start to slow down, or your customers fear their data may be at risk, is the moment your business starts to fail. This post is the first in a series of three that will explore the key tools every ecommerce site needs running 24/7.

Introducing: Sentry's Unified Go SDK

According to Stack Overflow’s Developer Survey 2019, Go is the third most wanted language to learn, as well as the third-best paid technology in the field. It is not a surprise, as it is one of the languages used for writing critical parts of a lot of large systems. The language design and syntax are simple, but developing in Go is far from easy.

Reduce Toil and Maintain Security With Zenoss Cloud APIs

Managing the infrastructure monitoring system in a large-scale IT environment can be incredibly tedious. I’d be willing to bet that you’ve run into at least one of these issues or something similar. APIs exist because user interfaces can’t do everything, and we’re all very happy that they do! Zenoss Cloud supports two APIs: a JSON API for bulk administration and a streaming data ingest API to allow a wide variety of devices to publish data directly.

Introduction to Error Handling in Angular 7 Using Rollbar

In this tutorial, you will be introduced to errors tracking in Angular 7 using the errorHandler class and Rollbar. This is the last part of the Angular 7 error handling series, you can refer to the first part here, and the second part here. In this series, you have been introduced earlier to handling client side errors and then HTTP errors gracefully in Angular 7 with tools like errorHandlers, Interceptors and even RxJS operators.

Understanding Systemic Issues: The PagerDuty Health Check Process

Continuous improvement is one of the fundamental tenets of Agile methodology that PagerDuty’s product development teams emphasize. This already works fairly well at the individual team level via retrospective meetings and postmortems but sometimes we don’t notice larger or systemic issues that are outside the control of a single team. This blog will share the process that we use at PagerDuty to uncover those issues, the outcomes we have seen, and how we have evolved that process.

Software Engineers: Confidence Matters Just as Much as Ability

Software engineering is a skilled task; those who obtain the experience and credentials necessary to become engineers know this, as do their employers. Engineers have an overarching goal of using these skills to construct experiences that enable end-users to complete a task successfully and they hope to provide enjoyment and comfort along the way. Anyone who has written software used by a decent number of people knows how daunting this task is.

Integrate Akamai mPulse real user monitoring with Datadog

Akamai mPulse is a real user monitoring (RUM) service that enables organizations to get deep visibility into end user experience across their websites or applications. With mPulse, businesses can collect high-granularity metrics directly from their users’ browsers, and then analyze that data to pinpoint slow resources (e.g., third-party scripts), track user engagement, and make decisions to improve the performance of their products.