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From PowerShell to p@W3RH311 - Detecting and Preventing PowerShell Attacks

In part one I provided a high level overview of PowerShell and the potential risk it poses to networks. Of course we can only mitigate some PowerShell attacks if we have a trace, so going forward I am assuming that you followed part 1 of this series and enabled: Module Logging, Script Block Logging, Security Process Tracking (4688/4689)

From PowerShell to P0W3rH3LL - Auditing PowerShell

Imagine someone getting the seemingly innocent ability to run a couple of commands on a machine on your network WITHOUT installing any new software, but those commands resulting in a reverse shell running on that same machine – giving the intruder a convenient outpost in your network. Now stretch your imagination even further and pretend that all of this happens without leaving any unusual traces in logs – leaving you completely in the dark.

Software Configuration Management: Patterns, Best Practices, and Tools for Agile and DevOps

Software configuration management (SCM) is a set of processes, policies, and tools that organize the development process. The goal of SCM is to improve the speed of and quality by catching errors early and enabling quick fixes when they occur. Understand how to define SCM and discuss how to accomplish it.

Daily AMI Images Are Key to Disaster Recoverability

As companies, big or small, move into the cloud, it’s becoming more and more important to ensure that data is protected. There are numerous options for data resilience, including (but not limited to), Amazon EBS and Amazon S3. What you choose to use depends on your business requirements. Amazon EBS volumes are supposed to be redundant within an availability zone, however they have been known to fail, both due to technical issues, and by human error.

AWS status: The complete guide to monitoring status on the web's largest cloud provider

If you’re hosting on AWS, you can expect some pretty excellent reliability and availability. If your service isn’t responding, it’s likely an issue with your own code. On the other hand, system outages do happen. They’re usually pretty minor. Sometimes they're not.

Retrace Platform Major Update: Alerts and Notifications

The goal of Retrace's platform update is to improve system performance and resolve some outstanding defects. We incorporated a tremendous amount of feedback in order to help Retrace users produce and maintain high quality software systems. Get more details on the changes to alerts and notifications.

Data Snapshot: How Meltdown & Spectre flaws are affecting businesses

In recent years, revelations of security holes in widely used IT hardware and software have put IT pros on edge. A few times a year, a huge cybersecurity announcement introduces chaos into the IT world, forcing network and systems administrators to scramble to secure their environments and deal with the fallout.

Upgrade AWS Elastic Beanstalk from PHP7.0 to PHP7.1

The AWS Elastic Beanstalk Console currently allows you to change between minor platform versions (e.g. from 2017.09 v2.6.1 running PHP 7.0 to 2017.09 v2.6.2 running PHP 7.0), but doesn’t support changes between major versions (e.g. from 2017.09 v2.6.2 running PHP 7.0 to 2017.09 v2.6.2 running PHP 7.1).