Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

How to

How to dynamically monitor disks in Windows with Pandora FMS

In this tutorial we're going to see how easy it is to dynamically monitor the disks of our Windows machines with Pandora FMS. To do this, we only need to have the software agent installed on these devices and use the agent plugins that are already loaded by default. We will find two options, to obtain the free space in the disks or the possibility of monitoring the occupied space in these disks. occupied on the disks.

Distributed tracing with OpenTelemetry and Cloud Trace

As more services are involved in serving user traffic and completing transactions, how does each service contribute to overall latency? In this episode of Engineering for Reliability, we’ll show how to use distributed tracing to capture the latency of user requests and how long it takes each service in the path to return a response. Watch to learn how to capture latency in distributed applications using OpenTelemetry and analyze it using Cloud Trace.

IT Asset Management With Discovery Agents

Managing IT assets can be a challenge if you don’t have a powerful tool to accurately track your IP-connected devices. Whether it’s ensuring all your employees are using the latest operating system software version or quickly attaching a related item to a ticket, with SolarWinds Service Desk, you can keep track of your inventory and budget and ultimately mitigate risk when staying on top of your assets. This short video shows you how to install and use the Solarwinds Discovery Agent and Discovery Scanner.