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ElasticON Solution Series Keynote: Celebrating 10 Years of Elastic

Learn more about Elastic's origin story and how the world's most popular search engine evolved into the leading platform for search-powered solutions. Since the release of Elastic 7.0 there have been 17 additional 7.x releases. In less than 20 minutes you’ll hear the highlights from two years of Elastic 7.x and explore the latest news from 8.x — and — what’s to come in the future. Speaker: Mike Nichols, Product Lead - Elastic Security, Elastic

ElasticON Solution Seminar Customer Conversations: Putting Data to Work

Hear first hand accounts from Elastic customers on how they are using the power of search to solve for unique challenges and to reach new levels of success. Speakers: Ali Nazemian, Chief Technology Officer, Brolly Kevin Serafin, Director of Incident Response, Ecolab Matt Riley, General Manager, Enterprise Search, Elastic

Elastic Observability 8.2: Tail-based sampling, plus more serverless visibility for AWS

As more organizations adopt cloud-native technologies and microservices-based architectures, application troubleshooting is becoming increasingly complex. With so many moving parts in an environment that is both dynamic and distributed, it is difficult to get the full picture. Yet complete visibility is crucial in order to find and fix issues quickly — especially ones that impact the bottom line.

Elastic Enterprise Search 8.2: Relevance controls for Elasticsearch

Elastic Enterprise Search 8.2 introduces new ways to ingest, search, and monitor data, giving developers the productivity benefits of using out-of-the-box capabilities along with the power and flexibility inherent in Elastic Stack tools. Operators also gain even more transparency for managing search experiences and observing search performance. For a visual walkthrough of some of the key capabilities in 8.2, check out the latest installment of What’s new in Enterprise Search on YouTube.

Whats new in Elastic Enterprise Search - 8.2

Elastic Enterprise Search 8.2 introduces new ways to ingest, search, and monitor data, giving developers the productivity benefits of using out-of-the-box capabilities along with the power and flexibility inherent in Elastic Stack tools. Operators also gain even more transparency for managing search experiences and observing search performance.

Elastic on Elastic: How we saved $100,000/month by keeping our own software up to date

Let's start with the bottom line: When we upgraded to Elasticsearch 7.15 last year, our internal observability clusters saw a reduction in inter-node traffic from 464TB to 204.5TB per day. We monitored this reduction through subsequent upgrades and noticed its impact on our data transfer and storage costs. So here it is: upgrading saved Elastic $3,500 per day, or approximately $100,000 a month, or $1.2 million annually.

Leveraging Elastic to improving data management and observability in the cloud

Two recent studies conducted by Nucleus Research, focused on how a global telecommunications provider, and multi-line insurance company realized quantified business value through Elastic. The companies that were studied saw great levels of satisfaction from deploying Elastic Cloud. Through their adoption they were able to increase the maturity of their tech stack and circumvent prior limitations in scalability.

A primer to understanding observability

The one certainty you will find in IT, developer, and SRE roles is that things always change! One hot topic in DevOps communities is observability. A long word, you may be wondering what it really means and how you can add it to your skillset. Here’s a quick primer to get you going on your path to observability.