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How to Connect Elastic Security to Jira - Version 7.10

Elastic Security cases provide the ability to open and track incidents directly in the app, which you can send to external systems like Atlassian’s Jira. Case connection for Atlassian’s Jira includes Jira Service Desk, Jira Core, and Jira Software. In this video, you’ll learn how to connect Elastic Security to the Jira Service Desk.

How to Perform Search in Elastic Workplace Search - Version 7.10

Elastic Workplace Search provides a fast, scalable, unified, and relevant search experience across all your teams’ productivity and collaboration tools, such as Google Drive, Salesforce, and GitHub (and all your custom sources, too). In this video, you’ll learn various ways of searching for content using Workplace Search.

How to migrate from self-managed Elasticsearch to Elastic Cloud on AWS

Increasingly, we are seeing on-prem workloads being moved onto the cloud. Elasticsearch has been around for many years with our users and customers typically managing it themselves on-prem. Elasticsearch Service on Elastic Cloud — our managed Elasticsearch service that runs on Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure across many different regions, is the best way to consume the Elastic Stack and our solutions for enterprise search, observability, and security.

How to Contribute to Detection Rules in Elastic Security - Version 7.10

Elastic Security has open sourced all our detection rules to work alongside the security community to stop threats at scale and arm every analyst. As part of our belief in the power of open source, Elastic includes prebuilt rules within the Security App to detect threats automatically. In this video, you’ll learn how you can contribute by creating a new rule, adding your new rule to the detection rules repo, and getting credit for it in the Elastic contributor program.

An introduction to the Elastic data stream naming scheme

With Elastic 7.9, the Elastic Agent and Fleet were released, along with a new way to structure indices and data streams in Elasticsearch for time series data. In this blog post, we'll give an overview of the Elastic data stream naming scheme and how it works. This is the first in a series of blog posts around the Elastic data stream naming scheme.

How to perform a zero-downtime upgrade of Elasticsearch in production

Many users need their Elasticsearch clusters to always be available. And a lot of these same users also want to upgrade their Elasticsearch environment when a new version is released, so they can take advantage of all the new features and functionality. The result is that admins end up upgrading the Elasticsearch engine while it is operating at full capacity in production. Sound too good to be true?

Play: Modernizing telecommunications with the Elastic Stack

The telecommunications world is in the middle of its fourth industrial revolution. Organisations are trying to bring out as many new services as possible to monetise their infrastructure, but despite their modern approach, they still own and maintain legacy — and most importantly — multi-vendor infrastructures. Due to complex organisational structures and decentralised management systems, most responsibilities are divided between multiple departments.

Combining supervised and unsupervised machine learning for DGA detection

It is with great excitement that we announce our first-ever supervised ML and security integration! Today, we are releasing a supervised ML solution package to detect domain generation algorithm (DGA) activity in your network data. In addition to a fully trained detection model, our release contains ingest pipeline configurations, anomaly detection jobs, and detection rules that will make your journey from setup to DGA detection smooth and easy.

Elastic Cloud Terraform provider now available in beta

We’re excited to share that the official Elastic Cloud Terraform provider is now available in beta. Operations and SRE teams often rely on Terraform to safely manage production-related infrastructure using methodologies such as infrastructure as code, which allows you to apply peer-reviewed infrastructure changes in an automated and controlled fashion. The provider works with Elasticsearch Service on Elastic Cloud, Elastic Cloud Enterprise, and Elasticsearch Service Private environments.