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Journey of Elastic SIEM Getting Started to Investigating Threats: Part 2

Calling all security enthusiasts! Many of us are now facing similar challenges working from home. Introduced in 7.2, Elastic SIEM is a great way to provide security analytics and monitoring capabilities to small businesses and homes with limited time and resources. In this three part meetup series we will take you on a journey from zero to hero - getting started with the Elastic SIEM to beginner threat hunting.

Kubernetes observability tutorial: Log monitoring and analysis

Kubernetes has emerged the de facto container orchestration technology, and an integral technology in the cloud native movement. Cloud native brings speed, elasticity, and agility to software development, but also increases the complexity — with hundreds of microservices on thousands (or millions) of containers, running in ephemeral and disposable pods. Monitoring such a complex, distributed, transient system is challenging, and at the same time very critical.

Kubernetes observability tutorial: K8s cluster setup and demo app deployment

The easiest way to get the Elastic Stack up and running for this tutorial, is to spin up a 14-day free trial of our Elasticsearch Service on Elastic Cloud. A few clicks (no credit cards) and you’ll have your cluster up and running. Or if you prefer, download the Elastic Stack and install locally. All of the instructions in this tutorial can be easily amended to work with a standalone Elasticsearch cluster on your own hardware.

Machine learning in cybersecurity: Training supervised models to detect DGA activity

How annoying is it when you get a telemarketing call from a random phone number? Even if you block it, it won’t make a difference because the next one will be from a brand new number. Cyber attackers employ the same dirty tricks. Using domain generated algorithms (DGAs), malware creators change the source of their command and control infrastructure, evading detection and frustrating security analysts trying to block their activity.

Elastic Cloud roundup: API support, more regions, and new purchasing options

You can now benefit from even more features and functionality in Elastic Cloud. In case you missed it, we’ve added powerful tools to simplify and automate operations. We’ve added support for more regions. And we’ve even added new ways to pay for, and understand your bill for Elastic Cloud. With a cup of tea and five minutes, we’ll recap them for you.

Telecommunications observability with the Elastic Stack: Monitoring voice traffic data

Applying an observability strategy to core telecommunication data processing enables operators to answer questions that were not possible to answer before. As this approach has gained prominence, the Elastic Stack has become increasingly popular in the telecommunications space, with companies like Deutsche Telekom — their data transformation effort championed by Hans-Konrad Roth — adopting Elastic as their solution of choice for international traffic monitoring.

Threat Hunting with Elastic APM

Learn how APM lets you monitor the performance of applications deployed anywhere within your network. Now you can use APM data to hunt for threats and injection attacks, too. Elastic provides a common data platform so you can view HTTP data collected with your APM agents in the Elastic SIEM app. It’s seamless monitoring and protection to keep your systems up, running, and secure.

Calculating ingest lag and storing ingest time in Elasticsearch to improve observability

When viewing and analysing data with Elasticsearch, it is not uncommon to see visualizations and monitoring and alerting solutions that make use of timestamps that have been generated on remote/monitored systems. However, using remote-generated timestamps may be risky.