Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


Live Kubernetes Debugging with the Elastic Stack

Your Kubernetes app is down. Your users start ranting on Twitter. Your boss is standing right behind you. What do you do? We are using the Elastic Stack in this demo with a special focus on its Kubernetes integration with metadata enrichment and autodiscovery in combination with APM / tracing, metrics, logs, and health checks.

Getting started with adding a new security data source in your Elastic SIEM: Part 1

What I love about our free and open Elastic SIEM is how easy it is to add new data sources. I’ve learned how to do this firsthand, and thought it’d be helpful to share my experience getting started. Last October, I joined Elastic Security when Elastic and Endgame combined forces. Working with our awesome security community, I’ve had the opportunity to add new data sources for our users to complement our growing catalog of integrations.

Searching Confluence with Elastic Workplace Search

For many companies, Elastic included, wikis developed with Confluence are a critical source of content, procedures, policies, and plenty of other important info, spanning teams across the entire organization. But sometimes finding a particular nugget of information can be tricky, especially when you’re not exactly sure where that information was located. Was it in the wiki? In a Word doc? In Salesforce? A GitHub issue? Somewhere else?

Using Elasticsearch as a Time-Series Database in the Endpoint Agent

At ThousandEyes and the Endpoint Agent, we have a track record of using Elasticsearch as a time-series database for the metrics that we collect from our agents. I will be presenting how we decided to use Elasticsearch as a Time Series Database (TSDB), and how we got buy-in from stakeholders. Stathis spent several years in Athens, Greece, as a Software Engineer before moving to London. Enjoys working with large distributed systems using technologies like Elasticsearch, Kafka, Java, Kotlin. Wants to build his own tech when he grows up.

Elastic Observability in SRE and Incident Response

Software services are at the heart of modern business in the digital age. Just look at the apps on your smartphone. Shopping, banking, streaming, gaming, reading, messaging, ridesharing, scheduling, searching — you name it. Society runs on software services. The industry has exploded to meet demands, and people have many choices on where to spend their money and attention. Businesses must compete to attract and retain customers who can switch services with the swipe of a thumb.

Elastic's Guide to Keeping Services up and Running with Real-time Visibility

Learn how to start monitoring in minutes, keep your networks up and running, and make sure citizens have continuous access to digital portals and services. Increased traffic. New users on the network. Data sharing at unprecedented levels. Meet all the challenges coming your way with the free and open Elastic Stack.

Coming in 7.7: Significantly decrease your Elasticsearch heap memory usage

As Elasticsearch users are pushing the limits of how much data they can store on an Elasticsearch node, they sometimes run out of heap memory before running out of disk space. This is a frustrating problem for these users, as fitting as much data per node as possible is often important to reduce costs. But why does Elasticsearch need heap memory to store data? Why doesn't it only need disk space?

Creating modern customer service experiences with Elastic Enterprise Search

Let’s be honest. No one wakes up in the morning thinking of reasons to contact customer support. It’s tedious, onerous, and can eat into your evening Netflix time. Thankfully, most brands realize that customer experiences drive brand loyalty and repeat purchases.

A Journey of Elastic SIEM: Getting Started through Threat Analysis Part 1

Calling all security enthusiasts! Many of us are now facing similar challenges working from home. Introduced in 7.2, Elastic SIEM is a great way to provide security analytics and monitoring capabilities to small businesses and homes with limited time and resources. In this three-part meetup series we will take you on a journey from zero to hero, getting started with the Elastic SIEM to becoming a threat hunter.