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Prometheus monitoring at scale with the Elastic Stack

Tools. As engineers we all love great tools that help our teams work productively, resolve problems faster, be better. But tools can tend to grow in number, require additional maintenance, and most importantly, create silos. Each team has certain responsibilities and is constantly searching for tools that can address specific requirements in the best possible way.

Elasticsearch Service is now generally available on Microsoft Azure

Following the fully featured public beta of the Elasticsearch Service on Microsoft Azure earlier this year, we are pleased to declare it is now generally available! Existing Elasticsearch Service customers can log in and launch deployments on Azure in their existing accounts, and new users can get started with a free 14-day trial of the Elasticsearch Service.

BKD-backed geo_shapes in Elasticsearch: precision + efficiency + speed

With the addition of new data structures in Lucene 6.0, the Elasticsearch 5.0 release delivered massive indexing and search performance improvements for one-dimension numeric, date, and IP fields, and two-dimension (lat, lon) geo_point fields. Building on this work, the Elasticsearch 6.0 release further improved usability and simplicity of the geo_point API by setting the default indexing structure to the new block k-d tree (BKD) and removing all support for legacy prefix tree encoding.

Image recognition and search at Adobe with Elasticsearch and Sensei

Software giant Adobe is known the world around for its Photoshop, Illustrator, and Acrobat products, which are rolled into cloud service suites — Creative Cloud, Document Cloud, and Experience Cloud — of other similar software offerings. A number of their products — especially those where image search is critical, such as Adobe Stock — feature slick search capabilities that use Elasticsearch behind the scenes.

Introducing the enrich processor for Elasticsearch ingest nodes

As part of Elasticsearch 7.5.0, a new ingest processor — named enrich processor — was released. This new processor allows ingest node to enrich documents being ingested with additional data from reference data sets. This opens up a new world of possibilities for ingest nodes.

Elastic SIEM for home and small business: Beats on Windows

Hey, there. This is part four of the Elastic SIEM for home and small business blog series. If you haven’t read the first, second, and third blogs, you may want to before going any further. In the Getting started blog, we created our Elasticsearch Service deployment and started collecting data from one of our computers using Winlogbeat. In the Securing cluster access blog, we secured access to our cluster by restricting privileges for users and Beats.

Automating the install of Elastic Cloud Enterprise on AWS with Ansible

So you want to install Elastic Cloud Enterprise (you know, the orchestration solution for the Elastic Stack that simplifies and standardizes how you deploy, upgrade, resize, configure, and monitor one to many clusters from a single UI/API) Installing ECE on one host isn’t tough. Installing it on two isn’t much harder. However, when you start dealing with 3, 5, 7, 11, etc., the complexity grows, as does the work involved in operating and maintaining (upgrading!) it all.

Storing and enriching alerts for information security with Elasticsearch

Within Elastic, the information security team is tasked with security detection and analytics, among many other activities of a typical information security team. To find abnormal and malicious behavior within our environment we leverage Elastic SIEM for investigations and threat hunting. When we find a pattern of behavior we want to be alerted on during an investigation or hunt we take the request JSON behind our investigation and put in to Watcher for alerting.