Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


Improve Alert Visibility and Monitoring with Sumo Logic and Opsgenie

Dealing with IT outages and downtime is one of the biggest technical challenges of the modern era, costing North American businesses an estimated $700 billion per year. Today's world of interconnected cloud services and microservice architectures has created infinitely more opportunities for something to go wrong and disrupt service. When that happens, there's an urgent need to alert the right people or teams to fix things.

JBoss Performance Monitoring: The Complete Guide

Ensuring your apps work as designed and deliver a productive user experience starts with monitoring applications metrics. This helps you understand whether your software is performing at optimal levels. Many developers use JBoss (now called WildFly and maintained by Red Hat) to build, deploy, and host transactional applications written in Java.

Logging Fundamentals 1

Being inside a company that lives and breathes logging, observability and DevOps intelligence, sometimes it takes a moment to step back and explain what we do to friends, family and others. The simplest way we explain what LogDNA solves for companies with IT systems and software is similar to a blackbox on a plane that keeps a record of the flight data and the cockpit voice recorder.

Infrastructure as code: evolution and practice

As infrastructure has evolved and matured over the last decade, the way in which we build and deploy that infrastructure has — for the most part — kept pace. As the velocity of deployments increased, and practices such as continuous deployment and delivery became the norm, it became critical that we manage infrastructure and deploy applications in a similar way.

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Best practices for tracing and debugging microservices

Applications have, traditionally, been developed as "monoliths." This term describes how application code is compiled and delivered. Monoliths are compiled and/or packaged into a single binary, or a bundle of code, and deployed as a single unit. That single unit contains hundreds, sometimes thousands of lines of code. The functionality packed into that deployable artefact is most, if not all, of the functions of the application.