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Distributed Machine Learning With PySpark

Spark is known as a fast general-purpose cluster-computing framework for processing big data. In this post, we’re going to cover how Spark works under the hood and the things you need to know to be able to effectively perform distributing machine learning using PySpark. The post assumes basic familiarity with Python and the concepts of machine learning like regression, gradient descent, etc.

Logz.io and Microsoft Azure: A Proud Partnership in Open Source

Today, I’m excited to announce a partnership between Logz.io and Microsoft Azure. With this partnership, Logz.io is now offering Azure customers a fully managed, scalable machine data analytics platform built on ELK and Grafana. What does that mean? Azure customers can now easily deploy, run, and scale ELK without the hassle and pain of maintaining and managing the stack themselves.

How IoT -- and Grafana -- Are Enabling Electrification Across Rural Africa

The Internet of Things has transformed people’s lives, enabling everything from “smart homes” to remote health monitoring. And now a startup called AMMP Technologies is using IoT – and Grafana – to help bring electricity to rural Africa. Hendrik Broering, COO and cofounder of AMMP, told the audience at GrafanaCon L.A. about a village in Tanzania called Changombe, with a population of about 2,000 and no access to electricity until 2017.

Use Kubernetes to Speed Machine Learning Development

As industries shift to a microservices approach of deploying applications using containers, data scientists can reap the benefits. Data Scientists use specific frameworks and operating systems that can often conflict with the requirements of a production system. This has led to many clashes between IT and R&D departments. IT is not going to change the OS to meet the needs of a model that needs a specific framework that won’t run on RHEL 7.2.