During.conf21, we announced the public release of the Splunk UI Toolkit, a collection of packages and libraries that provides some of the same underlying tools powering our product line to you, the Splunk developer. Now, any Splunk developer can incorporate Splunk UI components into their own custom applications and tools. This includes everything from buttons and inputs from our @splunk/react-ui package, or our new parallel coordinates visualization from our @splunk/visualizations package.
Scroll down for the author’s photo and bio. Time series databases like InfluxDB index data by time. They are efficient at recording constant data streams like server metrics, application monitoring, sensor reports, or any other data containing a timestamp. The structure makes analyzing change over time a breeze. This tutorial will show you how to set up InfluxDB with a sample Ruby application.
Microsoft BI is a powerful game-changer for business intelligence solutions that are widely used for data analysis and reporting. It is a unified self-service that delivers a great depth of data insights by combining interactive data visualizations with intuitive user experience. Whether you are a business enthusiast or an owner who likes to keep a tab on all things in a single dashboard, Power BI allows you to visualize and analyze your data dynamics like never.