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The latest News and Information on DevOps, CI/CD, Automation and related technologies.

Skeddly Now Supports Microsoft Azure

For 7 years, AWS users have been using Skeddly to lower their AWS bills by starting & stopping EC2 and RDS instances, along with Redshift and ElastiCache clusters. Now, Azure users can join the party too. Today, we’re adding support for Microsoft Azure by adding two new actions: Start Virtual Machines, Stop Virtual Machines. These are our first actions for Azure, launching our foray into multi-cloud management.

Taking DevOps Monitoring to the Next Level: 5 steps to Monitoring Nirvana

Companies are committed to delivering on higher levels of customer satisfaction for their online services. Unfortunately, many organizations trying to support these initiatives take an interrupt-driven approach where they scramble to fix things when they break. However, to manage to these high levels of SLAs, you should take a structured approach in order to reduce the amount of unscheduled downtime by proactively monitoring and managing your systems.

Dump Google Analytics and use Ahoy to track your Rails app traffic

StatusGator is built on Ruby on Rails, a popular choice for rapid web application development for more than a decade. One of the many benefits of Rails is its rich ecosystem of open source gems which can provide massive value quickly. We discovered one such gem, Ahoy, on our recent quest to understand how our users find out about StatusGator.

Deploying to StatusCake with Terraform

Terraform is a powerful tool which allows you to build, change and version your infrastructure efficiently and absent any challenges. It supports a range of existing and popular service providers as well as custom in-house solutions. Terraform has a strong set of features, including Infrastructure as code, Execution plans, Resource graphs and Change automation. You can check out some common use cases for Terraform here.

The Serverless Revolution: Why and How The Movement Will Allow Teams to Deploy With More Velocity and Confidence

Serverless or Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) design patterns have been picking up steam. With the recent release of KNative from Google Cloud, let’s take a closer look at the serverless movement.

The State of Operations Health in the World of DevOps

At PagerDuty, we believe the best way to truly understand the health of your employees is to leverage the real-time human data that is already flowing through your systems. PagerDuty’s platform for action and real-time IT Operations orchestration consists of multiple facets and interlocking capabilities.

What's new in Elastic Stack 6.x - Morgan Goeller - Elastic San Antonio Meetup

In this meetup, we will highlight a few of the many: Canvas, Rollups, Machine Learning, etc. We will also talk about the evolution of the Elastic Stack into new solutions areas with the launch of new products such as APM and App Search. 6.3 has just arrived, with a ton of features and major changes. Come learn about new features around SQL, Rollups, App Search, Kubernetes, and APM.