New Feature: Output Schema
We added support for Output Schema in StackStorm 2.9. This feature has been “under the radar” for a while. Time to shed a little light, explain what it is, how to use it, and why we added this feature. Read on!
The latest News and Information on DevOps, CI/CD, Automation and related technologies.
We added support for Output Schema in StackStorm 2.9. This feature has been “under the radar” for a while. Time to shed a little light, explain what it is, how to use it, and why we added this feature. Read on!
Today Google announced Anthos, a new cloud service with the ability to manage Kubernetes clusters across multiple cloud providers, including AWS and Azure. This is super exciting news for Rancher. In Google Anthos, we see great alignment with Rancher’s vision. We believe Kubernetes will become the standardized infrastructure provided by all public and private clouds, and an enterprise Kubernetes platform must deliver multi-cluster, multi-cloud management.
Great writers use metaphors to get their point across so let me give that a try real quick. Bugs are nasty little pests, mm’key? It’s hard to get rid of them but apart of just spraying poison everywhere, there are only a few options left. One of those options is using a natural predator to those bugs, a predator like birds. So birds can help you get rid of bugs. I work for a company called Dashbird that help developers debug their AWS Lambda applications. See what I did there?
Find out how Cloudsmith + Helm combine to provide you with world-class support for the Kubernetes (k8s) ecosystem. Get your own private Helm repository today.
If you even partly believe Marc Andreessen’s 2011 “software is eating the world” comment, it stands to reason that companies who are good at software will be the winners in a digital world. Given this, I find it ironic that little large-scale research has gone into what it takes to be good at software.
Serverless technologies are lowering the barrier to entry for global deployments with on-demand pricing and scaling. AWS’ serverless offerings are now supported in 16 regions, and with the help of Up Pro’s latest v1.2.0 release we’re going to take a look at setting up a globally distributed app to decrease latency for your customers.
This article is a follow up to Native Kubernetes Monitoring, Part One. In this chapter we’ll finish the two remaining demos for the other built-in tools, Probes and Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA).
AWS CodeDeploy is a deployment management service offered by AWS. You can use it to deploy updates of your applications to your EC2 instances, Lambda functions, and on-premises servers. This can be a powerful tool in your CI/CD pipeline. Today, I’m happy to announce a new action: Deploy CodeDeploy Application.