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Why Context is Critical in a Data-Driven World

Research firm IDC predicts that overall data volumes will grow from 33 zettabytes in 2018 to 175 zettabytes by 2025. 50% of the data will come from IoT devices and nearly 30% of the data will get consumed in real-time by 2025. The data economy has changed the game on how enterprises will need to work with digital technologies to become more effective, competitive, and innovative.

Gartner is fully in the cloud. Are you?

As many of you know, Gartner is recognized as one of the premier analyst firms by most enterprise IT organizations. Given the broad and diverse set of customers Gartner serves -- many risk averse and conservative towards new technologies, Gartner generally tends to recommend incremental and measured changes. Imagine our surprise when Gartner made this very bold statement "on-premises is the new legacy.

What Is MTTR? A Simple Definition That Will Help Your Team

Mean time to resolution (MTTR) is defined as the sum of the total amount of time that service was interrupted divided by the number of individual incidents. The unit of measurement is some quantity of time. Ideally, you can use minutes as the unit. That is, unless you blacked out the eastern seaboard for weeks!

Which is the Best CMS?

It’s never been easier to create your own website, or to start selling your products online. There is a wide range of Content Management Systems (CMS) for you to choose from, each offering its own unique set of features and functionality. You have probably already heard of many of the most well-known CMS, such as WordPress and Squarespace, but there are other less well-known platforms that may be more suited to your needs.

HBO's "Chernobyl": Is there a lesson here for IT incident management?

I’m a big fan of historical TV dramas and last week I finished watching the stunning and shattering HBO TV miniseries about the 1986 Chernobyl disaster. As a monitoring expert and a product manager, I have visited dozens of IT operations centers, control rooms and NOCs, so I couldn’t help but compare them to the Chernobyl control room scenes in the show.

API Gateways are a thing of beauty. Here's why

AWS API Gateway is a completely managed service that makes developers’ job much easier by allowing them to publish, create, monitor, maintain, and secure APIs at any scale. In today’s article, we’ll talk more about API Gateway What is it, why is it so important, as well as how it can help us with?

How to monitor NGINX logs

In part one of our introduction to NGINX “What is NGINX” , we went over the basic history of NGINX, the difference between Apache and NGINX, and why you would use NGINX over Apache in certain environments and web applications. Today we’ll be diving deeper into NGINX and going over topics such as web server performance, monitoring said performance, how to obtain and archive logs for deeper analysis, and how to even tell which web server you’re running on your environment.

10 Lead Generation Tools for SaaS Companies

If you are a SaaS company and looking for different ways to generate high-quality leads but your sales team is absolutely clueless where to begin. Then you have stopped just at the right place. Whether you are looking for an email marketing solution, social media management, cold outreach or inbound content marketing – there is not one but many tools for each of your lead generation appetite. But to figure out which platform does what, it can be tricky for you.

What's All the Fuss About Business Continuity Planning

Digital transformation has created more gateways for vulnerability and risk. So in addition to natural disasters that can impact a business, organizations are faced with cyberattacks that can truly cripple their business. A solid business continuity plan makes sure that your company is ready for whatever may come its way, be it fire, flood, critical technical failure, or a cyberattack.

StatusCast Updates Status Page Service

StatusCast is always working to improve how IT Managers and Helpdesk Teams keep users apprised of system statuses during incidents and scheduled downtime. As a leading provider of corporate and SaaS status pages, we interview users and managers to better understand the status page landscape and use that information to constantly improve our corporate status board service.