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Status Page

The latest News and Information on Status Pages and related technologies.

Status page examples

The visual presentation and aesthetics of a company's online presence are crucial in shaping the company's reputation and customer trust. One such vital aspect is the status page, which is often overlooked yet highly influential. By examining the best status page examples, we can see how a well-designed status page not only conveys reliability and professionalism but also builds users' confidence, reassuring them of the organization's dedication to maintaining transparency and excellence.

Issue reports and early warning signals: Now in Beta

We are excited to announce a new enhancement to our platform that will further empower you to stay ahead of potential issues. You can now report an issue for services directly from your StatusGator admin dashboard. Help out other teams who might be experiencing downtime by reporting unpublished issues. These crowdsourced issue reports are one of the datapoints that power our new Early Warning Signal alerts.

How to promote an internal status page in your company

An internal status page is a centralized platform where a company can display the operational status of its internal systems and external services. It's designed primarily for employees, IT support teams, and relevant stakeholders to stay informed about system performance, outages, maintenance, and other critical updates. First, congratulations on creating an internal status page.

June product updates

You can now access our extensive service directory directly from your StatusGator account, putting status information for over 3,900 services at your fingertips. We know that it’s sometimes hard to think of all the things you depend on or even to know what to search for. That’s why we’ve implemented this convenient browsable interface where you can filter by use case or category.

Top 10 Free Status Page Software Providers in 2024

Service outages are inevitable and directly impact customers, potentially damaging your company’s reputation and customer loyalty. Considering that an hour of outage costs on average $300,000 according to Statista, it’s better to avoid additional expenses in connection to losing customers. This financial impact underscores the importance of having a reliable status page to keep your customers informed and mitigate the consequences of service interruptions.

Web Application Monitoring: Best Practices and Strategies for Performance Monitoring

Table of Contents Intro What is Application Monitoring? Types of Web Application Monitoring Factors To Consider in Web Application Monitoring Web Application Monitoring Best Practices Establish Clear Monitoring Objectives Select the Right Monitoring Solution Define the Key Performance Metrics Set Up Custom Alerts and Notifications Test and Verify Web App Monitoring Analyze and Respond to Monitoring Information Why is Monitoring Web Applications Important?

How to Improve Your Service Reliability with ilert Status Pages

According to the Uptime Institute, during the last year, the number of IT incidents slowly declined while the average cost of every incident grew. As dependency on digital services increases, the cost for ⅔ of all outages exceeds $100,000. Stakes are rising, and more and more companies are investing in proactive incident management.

Change the layout of your ilert status page

Welcome to our tutorial on changing the layout of your ilert status pages. In this video, we'll walk you through the layout options available and how to customize your status page to fit your needs best. Customizing your status page helps you communicate incidents and updates more effectively to your users. A well-organized status page enhances transparency and trust by clearly displaying service statuses and ongoing issues.