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Autoscaling Elasticsearch/OpenSearch Clusters for Logs: Using a Kubernetes Operator to Scale Up or Down

When we say “logs” we really mean any kind of time-series data: events, social media, you name it. See Jordan Sissel’s definition of time + data. And when we talk about autoscaling, what we really want is a hands-off approach at handling Elasticsearch/OpenSearch clusters. In this post, we’ll show you how to use a Kubernetes Operator to autoscale Elasticsearch clusters, going through the following with just a few commands.

Zero Trust: The New Security Model for Cloud Native Applications and Infrastructure

Zero Trust security is gaining attention and momentum as a security approach or mindset that can improve the security posture of enterprises as they continue to battle hackers. Because of this widespread attention on Zero Trust, every software security vendor seems to be jumping on the Zero Trust bandwagon. However, Zero Trust is not a product or service. No single product or vendor can sell you Zero Trust security.

Understanding monitoring and observability

Roaming in the world of cloud technology not only helps you take a glance at the realm of cutting-edge technology but also helps you get familiar with concepts such as monitoring and observability. This article will cover an introduction to monitoring and the need for monitoring applications. From here, we will look at how you can utilize the data received when monitoring an application. This will allow us to understand how the concept of observability fits in with monitoring.

New Pricing that will give you peace of mind

Since the start of Qovery in 2019, a lot has evolved, the team got bigger, the product grew, a lot of new features were developed, and it’s now time for the pricing to change as well, but don’t worry, I’m not about to tell you that we are increasing our prices because of inflation, we’re just changing our approach in terms of pricing model and let me explain to you how this switch is going to remove plenty of stress from your shoulder!

My Feedback about Nixpacks - an alternative to Buildpacks

2 months ago, I discovered Nixpacks - an alternative to Buildpacks to build a final container image that simply works. I’ve tried it with multiple projects, and the promise is very good. I feel it is less black magic than Buildpacks and easily extensible. In this article, I will share my feedback on the pros and the cons of this emerging project. Let's go!

The 2022 Managed Kubernetes Showdown: GKE vs AKS vs EKS

Kubernetes may provide an abundance of benefits, but those who are using it may be well aware that it often requires quite a bit (or even a lot!) of effort and skill to run the platform independently. So – rather than having to put up with it on their own, organizations are able to pay for a managed Kubernetes service instead. This is where Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) come in.

Epinio and Crossplane: the Perfect Kubernetes Fit

One of the greatest challenges that operators and developers face is infrastructure provisioning: it should be resilient, reliable, reproducible and even audited. This is where Infrastructure as Code (IaC) comes in. In the last few years, we have seen many tools that tried to solve this problem, sometimes offered by the cloud providers (AWS CloudFormation) or vendor-agnostic solutions like Terraform and Pulumi.

Kubernetes Multi-Cluster: Why and When To Use Them

Application containerization has disrupted the way software applications have been built and deployed. Over the years, Kubernetes has stood out as one of the best platforms for container orchestration. It has helped many companies achieve scalability, resilience, portability, and better resource utilization in their products. However, managing Kubernetes is still complex. The first question which comes to mind is whether we should use a single cluster or a multi-cluster for Kubernetes.

Tanzu Mission Control Expands Kubernetes Data Protection with Cross-Cluster Restore

To avoid application downtime and data loss during Kubernetes clusters outage, platform and application operators need to utilize backups for recovery. These backups should contain both the application’s persistent data alongside its configurations, which can be restored to the same or different cluster to get back into production more quickly.

Kubernetes 1.25 - What's new?

Kubernetes 1.25 is about to be released, and it comes packed with novelties! Where do we begin? This release brings 40 enhancements, on par with the 46 in Kubernetes 1.24 and 45 in Kubernetes 1.23. Of those 46 enhancements, 13 are graduating to Stable, 10 are existing features that keep improving, 15 are completely new, and two are deprecated features.