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Using AKS with workload identities in terraform

We all use Kubernetes on a daily basis, and the more we use it, the more it is apparent that Kubernetes alone will not be as fruitful as it will be with deeper integrations. One of these integrations is Microsoft Azure, which provides the ability to connect, use, and retrieve information from services on your behalf.

Making Sense: AI Effect, Red Hat Ruckus, Monoliths vs. Microservices

Each day the news assails us with a jumbled wave of trends, hype, provocative claims, and skirmishes. From news venues around the globe, the D2iQ brain trust is called upon to provide insights and commentary to help make sense of the hot topics and controversies affecting the cloud-native and Kubernetes communities.

10 Burning Questions CTOs Have About Kubernetes

As enterprise architecture and technology innovation leaders, it's crucial to understand the benefits, limitations and best practices associated with building cloud native apps and modernizing legacy workloads. Gartner recently published a worthwhile read addressing what keeps CTOs up at night while assessing Kubernetes and container adoption.

Comparing Networking Solutions for Kubernetes: Cilium vs. Calico vs. Flannel

In Kubernetes, networking holds immense significance as it enables seamless communication among various components and facilitates uninterrupted data flow. To allow pods within a Kubernetes cluster to engage with other pods and cluster services, each of them requires an exclusive IP address. Consequently, networking solutions in Kubernetes encompass more than mere interconnecting machines and devices.

Embracing Asynchronous Communication at Qovery

In today’s face-paced and interconnected business environment, effective communication is at the heart of a successful organisation. After the pandemic and as companies expand across timezones, rely on remote teams that enhance diversity, and seek to increase productivity, our traditional approach of synchronous communication can become a struggle.

Discover, Learn, and Experience: The Qovery Playground is Now Open!

In the dynamic world of development and operations (DevOps), one thing is clear: there's always room for new, innovative platforms that make life easier for developers and platform engineers. And today, we're thrilled to introduce our latest contribution to this dynamic sphere – the Qovery Playground.

A Software Developer's Guide to Getting Started With Kubernetes: Part 1

Put simply, Kubernetes is an orchestration system for deploying and managing containers. Using Kubernetes, you can operate containers reliably across different environments by automating management tasks such as scaling containers across Nodes and restarting them when they stop. Kubernetes provides abstractions that let you think in terms of application components, such as Pods (containers), Services (network endpoints), and Jobs (one-off tasks).