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Everything You Need to Know About Log Management Challenges

Distributed microservices and cloud computing have been game changers for developers and enterprises. These services have helped enterprises develop complex systems easily and deploy apps faster. That being said, these new system architectures have also introduced some modern challenges. For example, monitoring data logs generated across various distributed systems can be problematic.

Accelerating Log Management with Logging as a Service

The basic goal of log management is to make log data easy to locate and understand so that users can identify how their services are performing and troubleshoot more quickly. Logging as a Service, or LaaS, takes log management a step further by providing a solution that seamlessly scales and manages your log data via cloud-native architecture.

Organizational Change Management Models: 4 Models for Driving Change

Change is hard. Instigating change across an organization can feel nearly impossible. Just ask any executive about a time when they tried implementing new rules or introducing new software across the company, and you’ll hear plenty of horror stories. While many of us know the pitfalls associated with making changes that impact multiple stakeholders, there are ways to do it successfully.

Fundamentals of Searching Observability Data: Understanding the Search Process Can Save Time, Complexity, and Money!

On June 28th I will be hosting a webinar, ‘The Fundamentals of Searching Observability Data’. So why should you attend? Because things have, and will continue to change in the way we manage the IT data collected across the enterprise. A recent study shows that enterprises create over 64 zettabytes (ZB) of data, and that number is growing at a 27 percent compound annual growth rate (CAGR). The scary part?

The Rise of Open Standards in Observability: Highlights from KubeCon

Today’s IT systems are ever more fragmented. It is commonplace to see polyglot systems, written in multiple programming languages, and using a plethora of tools and cloud services as infrastructure building blocks, whether data stores, web proxy or other functions. In this dynamic cloud-native realm, open standards and open specifications have become integral drivers of compatibility, collaboration, and convergence – the Three C’s of Open Standards, if you will.

Hello cron job monitoring & alerts, goodbye silent failures

Papertrail has had the ability to alert on searches that match events for years, but what about when they don’t? When a cron job, backup, or other recurring job doesn’t run, it’s not easy to notice the absence of an expected message. But now, Papertrail can do the noticing for you with inactivity alerts. Papertrail inactivity alerts allow you to setup notifications when searches don’t match events.

Understanding Linux Logs: 16 Linux Log Files You Must be Monitoring

Logging provides a wealth of information about system events, errors, warnings, and activities. When troubleshooting issues, logs can be invaluable for identifying the root cause of problems, understanding the sequence of events leading to an issue, and determining the necessary steps for resolution. By regularly analyzing logs, administrators can identify performance bottlenecks, resource limitations, and abnormal system behavior.

Federated Data Explained: Empowering Privacy, Innovation & Efficiency

Data is like the oxygen that fuels the digital revolution. While critical and readily available, data becomes dangerous when misused. Leaders and users alike are becoming concerned with how organizations can protect data, especially personal information. It’s a complex and dynamic challenge, making it harder than ever to share data to the extent needed to facilitate innovation and research. To meet these challenges, many organizations are leveraging federated data systems.

Simplifying log data management: Harness the power of flexible routing with Elastic

In Elasticsearch 8.8, we’re introducing the reroute processor in technical preview that makes it possible to send documents, such as logs, to different data streams, according to flexible routing rules. When using Elastic Observability, this gives you more granular control over your data with regard to retention, permissions, and processing with all the potential benefits of the data stream naming scheme. While optimized for data streams, the reroute processor also works with classic indices.

The 5 Best Log Monitoring Tools for 2023

Any web-based business must have effective log monitoring in place to guarantee the efficient operation of its applications and systems. Tools for log monitoring are essential for error detection, performance analysis, and problem-solving. The top five log monitoring tools will be examined in this post, along with their features, prices, advantages, and disadvantages.