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Tracking Systems Metrics with collectd

System administrators hold many key responsibilities within an IT organization. Most importantly, they must ensure that all systems, services, and applications are up, running, and performing as expected. When a system starts to lag or an application is down, the system administrators are called upon to troubleshoot and resolve the issue as quickly as possible to limit the impact on customers.

Log Formats - a Complete Guide

Log management software operates on the basis of receiving, storing, and analyzing different types of log format files. There are several of these standardized log formats that are most commonly generated by a wide assortment of different devices and systems. As such, it is important to understand how they operate and differ from one another so that you can use them the right way, as well as avoid some common mistakes.

2019 was great, but we're just getting started

It’s the start of a new year and the time is right to assess what we’ve accomplished and where we’re going. First, I think we should celebrate the incredible year LogDNA just completed. I’m so proud of what our LogDNA team accomplished. Not only because it’s quite impressive, which it is, but also because it lays the groundwork for what’s to come in 2020.

Weekly and Monthly Alert Insights

SRE and Security teams rely heavily on alerts to know whether their systems are experiencing issues and to prevent any future outages. At LogDNA, customers can set alerts that trigger when specific logs match (presence alerts) or set an alert to go off if there are expected lines that haven’t come through (absence alerts). These alerts can be set up with various channels so you can be alerted in the product of your choice (Slack, Email, PagerDuty, etc).

Google Cloud Platform Serverless Ingestion into Splunk

If you have or plan to collect data from Google Cloud Platform (GCP), you will have noticed that your option of ingesting data has been by using Splunk’s Google Cloud Platform Add-On. However, many customers are adopting “serverless” cloud services to deliver their cloud solutions. There are many reasons for this, but mainly it provides solutions that do not require any overheads of server or container management, that scale and is delivered as a part of their cloud platform.

Dizzy with Data? Stay Focused on Business Outcomes

Being a CIO is not easy these days. The industry is buzzing about data-driven business transformation, and every executive and manager wants to make data-driven decisions. For the CIO, finding the right solution – and getting the maximum benefit from it – can be overwhelming. Most customers have a minimum expectation, but beyond that it can be difficult to envision what’s possible. It’s hard to see what else data can make possible.

Rapidly Identifying Systems Critically Vulnerable to CVE-2020-0601 and Reporting for CISA Emergency Directive 20-02

Yesterday, Jan. 14, 2020, on the first “patch tuesday” of the year, Microsoft released patches for critical vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows client and server operating systems.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Java Garbage Collection Tuning

Working with Java applications has a lot of benefits. Especially when compared to languages like C/C++. In the majority of cases, you get interoperability between operating systems and various environments. You can move your applications from server to server, from operating system to operating system, without major effort or in rare cases with minor changes.

Observability Trends in 2020 and Beyond: Announcing the DevOps Pulse 2019 Results

2020 is here and it looks like it’ll be a truly exciting and impactful year for the DevOps community. As you know, the landscape is changing rapidly, and as a result, new technologies and methodologies are emerging to solve challenges you’re experiencing on the job. Observability is one such concept–and achieving it is a huge challenge for software engineers across the globe.

Understanding the Apache Access Log: View, Locate and Analyze

As any developer or system administrator will tell you, log files are an extremely useful tool for debugging issues within a web application. In fact, log files are typically utilized as the primary source of information when a website is malfunctioning. One specific log file that can be used in debugging applications (or simply gaining insight into visitor activity) is the access log produced by an Apache HTTP server.