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Running the OpenTelemetry Collector in Azure Container Apps

In this post, we’ll look at how to host the OpenTelemetry Collector in Azure Container Apps. There are a few gotchas with how it’s deployed, so hopefully this will stop you from hitting the same issues. If you don’t care about the details and just want to run a script, I’ve created one here.

Database Decision-Making for Observability, from Simple to Complex

A goal of open-source observability is unifying several different signals to provide the observability everyone wants. It’s always interesting to speak to people on this journey, and how they try to provide it through open-source projects, and the challenges they can face. I was thrilled to host Pranay Prateek on the most recent episode of the OpenObservability Talks podcast.

Debugging Node.js HTTP Requests

HTTP is the backbone of all API-centric, modern web apps. APIs are the place where the core business logic of an application lives. As a result, developers spend a lot of time optimizing the API business logic. This article addresses a Node.js developer’s dilemma while debugging an HTTP API request. We take a sample Node.js/Express.js-based HTTP service to demonstrate a new way of debugging Node.js applications using the Lightrun observability platform.

Top 10 Logging Frameworks Across Various Programming Platforms

A logging framework is a software tool that helps developers output diagnostic information during the execution of a program. This information is used to debug the program or monitor its performance. There are many different logging frameworks available, starting with simple logging libraries to full-fledged logging and observability platforms.

Sending NGINX Logs to Honeycomb is Darn Easy

Written by Andrew Puch and Brian Langbecker You use NGINX as a proxy for your application, and you want to leverage your favorite features in Honeycomb to help make sense of the traffic data. Have no fear: Honeycomb is more than capable and ready to help! Things you will need: Before you start with the instructions, let’s discuss a lightweight tool called Honeytail. This utility will tail log files, parse the various formats, and send the data to Honeycomb.

Honeycomb Announces Major Updates to PagerDuty Integration

Today, we’re announcing major new updates to Honeycomb’s PagerDuty integration. These updates put more of the information you need into PagerDuty notifications and allow for greater configurability. These enhancements are available to all users who leverage Honeycomb Triggers and Burn Alerts to send notifications via PagerDuty.

Changes are Observability's Biggest Blind Spot

Classically, the space of observability lies within layers of information on a dashboard. It operates by using the fundamental trio of data — metrics, logs and traces — from each layer of the environment to assess the health of an IT infrastructure. However, a time component is critical, making the stack observable at any point in time. Gathering reliable data and insights into your IT infrastructure remains the primary role of observability tools and services.

What Is An Observability Data Pipeline?

Have you ever wondered how to get your organization's data into one place so you can easily monitor and troubleshoot your systems? If so, you're not alone. This is a common challenge faced by many organizations. The solution is an observability data pipeline. To better understand what this is and how it works, we've put together a brief overview.