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Drive DevSecOps Visibility with JFrog Partner Integrations

If you need your teams to act, you need to alert them where they’re already looking. Yet yesterday’s DevOps practices demand individuals to wrangle with uncorrelated events, multiple UIs, and siloed technologies. Tomorrow’s DevOps must enable teams with: To practice DevSecOps, you’ll need to know where a vulnerable build has been deployed into production, and where to find the corrected build that should replace it.

How to Create Docker Images for ASP.NET Core

Microsoft has begun working with the Docker team and community so Docker can be used for the following: If you would like to run an ASP.NET Core web app in a Docker container and learn how to create images, we will explain all the steps on how to do the following: A Docker container image is a standalone, lightweight package that can be executed and contains all the requirements you need to run an application, such as: code, runtime, libraries, and settings.

How to set up a Private, Remote and Virtual Maven/Gradle Registry

The simplest way to manage and organize your Java dependencies is with a Maven or Gradle repository. You need reliable, secure, consistent and efficient access to your dependencies that are shared across your team, in a central location. Including a place to set up multiple registries, that work transparently with the Maven and Gradle clients.

JFrog CloudFormation Modules Make Provisioning to AWS Easy and Secure

A routine cloud operations task should have a routine solution. That’s why we’ve just made it a lot easier to install and maintain self-hosted instances of the JFrog DevOps Platform on AWS, through AWS CloudFormation. To further simplify the effort of self-hosting Artifactory and Xray on AWS, we’ve just published a set of AWS CloudFormation modules to the AWS CloudFormation Public Registry.

Jenkins Kubernetes Plugin: Running Agents In Other Clusters

At Moogsoft we use Jenkins to implement our CICD Pipelines. We run Jenkins where we run most everything else; Kubernetes, but you don’t need to have Jenkins running on Kubernetes to use this plugin. This is made possible by the community maintained Kubernetes plugin. Recently we had the need to not only run agents local to the same cluster that Jenkins runs in, but in other clusters across different regions.

Jenkins Kubernetes Plugin: Using the plugin in your pipelines

In our first post we went over setting up the Kubernetes Plugin. This described the basic setup of getting the plugin configured, and set with the proper perms to function. In this post we will go over how to leverage the plugin to generate agent pods. At Moogsoft most of our pipelines are scripted and are built inside of, or from parts of, Jenkins shared functions library we maintain.

JFrog Product Leaders Answer swampUP Attendees' Burning Questions

In a live, unscripted “ask me anything” session, a group of JFrog product leaders candidly answered questions from swampUP attendees, with topics ranging from newly-announced JFrog products and capabilities to current cybersecurity concerns that impact DevOps teams. Because the lively discussion yielded so many great questions and answers, we’ve put together here a summary of the session.

Developer, Transform Yourself: Digital Transformation Starts with You

As technical professionals we spend a lot of time developing technical skills. Checking the right boxes of experience with languages, tools, and technologies is what typically lands us a job interview for our specialty. But what wins the job in DevOps — and carries you to success in it — are your human skills. Even more than technical chops, personal traits like mindset, communication skills, and work habits are your strongest assets in making DevOps work.

Leaping Forward With Our Partners: JFrog Unveils Tech Partner Program

We’re delighted to announce the freshly-updated JFrog Technology Partner Program, a powerful initiative that will elevate our already large and vibrant ecosystem of integration partners and strengthen JFrog’s “too integrated to fail” commitment to its customers and the DevOps community. The program is a natural next step for JFrog.

Continuously deploy Rust applications

Rust, a blazing fast and memory-efficient language, made its first appearance about ten years ago. Rust has gained a lot of momentum recently with the popularity of WebAssembly, a language that allows languages like C++, C, and Rust to run in web browsers. This enables developers to build highly performant applications and provide web apps with native functionalities that are not available on the web platform. In this tutorial, you will learn how to deploy a Rust application to a hosting platform.