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GitOps Feature Release

It’s no secret that the software development community is starting to embrace GitOps. With the complexity of engineering modern software today, it is becoming a necessity for many companies to reassess their software development and delivery practices. When Codefresh first released GitOps 2.0 late last year, we had already planned to make it a core pillar of our platform.

Codefresh GitOps Controller

The new Codefresh GitOps dashboard gives you the perfect overview of your deployments and how they change over time. This powerful view combines information from multiple sources such as your Kubernetes services, Git Pull Requests, and JIRA issues. To help you incorporate all of this helpful information into your deployments, we have introduced the GitOps controller, a handy agent that is installed in your cluster and collects critical information about your GitOps deployments.

GitOps Current State Dashboard

At Codefresh, we are fortunate to hear from customers of all sizes and nearly every industry. A common interest is visibility into deployments and their respective environments. As a company filled with software enthusiasts and developers, this strongly resonates with our culture and our passion for empowering developers. Visibility has been an area of continuous improvement for Codefresh and something we are committed to being the best at.

Codefresh GitOps App of Apps

Microservices are powerful, but it isn’t a secret that they come with many challenges. Codefresh is acutely aware of this as we built our platform on microservices. We know what it means to maintain a fast-moving and complex software service that must remain highly available. One of the most common challenges we deal with is maintaining complex relationships at deployment time among individual microservices.

Become a CI/CD expert with live DevOps training courses

At CircleCI, we’ve worked hard to build on-demand training to help our users get the most out of our platform and its capabilities. Historically, we created CircleCI Academy courses to ensure that all our customers know how to effectively use the features on our platform. Today, we’re taking a proactive approach to enhance your DevOps skills.

Unlimited Preview Environments with Kubernetes Namespaces

In our big series of Kubernetes anti-patterns, we briefly explained that static test environments are no longer needed if you are using Kubernetes. They are expensive, hard to maintain, and hard to clean up. Instead, we suggested the adoption of temporary environments that are created on demand when a pull request is opened. In this article, we will see the practical explanations on how to achieve unlimited temporary environments using Kubernetes namespaces.

Encountering some turbulence on Bitbucket's journey to a new platform

The past week has been a turbulent time for Bitbucket Cloud's engineering and support teams as well as our customers. Some of you have expressed concern regarding our services’ performance and reliability in recent days. Fortunately, for the majority of Bitbucket users, our services have continued to perform smoothly. But given the number of developers who use Bitbucket daily, even a small percentage of our active users represents a lot of people.

How Slack Transformed Their CI With Tracing

Slack experienced meteoric growth between 2017 and 2020—but that level of growth came with growing pains. In his talk at the 2021 o11ycon+hnycon, Frank Chen (LinkedIn), a Slack Senior Staff Engineer, detailed one of Slack’s biggest pain points in that period: flaky tests. A flaky test returns both a passing and failing result despite no changes in the code. At one point, between 2017 and 2020, Slack’s flaky test rate reached as high as 50%.

CI/CD Pipeline: A Quick Guide

Fast and reliable build pipelines are crucial to the success of modern day engineering teams. Check out this quick guide that can help DevOps/SRE teams to streamline the integration of development and testing processes through CI/CD tools. All software companies are committed to providing services that are useful, appreciated, and shared. Therefore, it all boils down to delivering reliable software to users and consumers.

Intercept Security Scans with Vulnerability Webhooks

Security scanning provides an opportunity to target, track, and trace vulnerabilities introduced to your packages as soon as Cloudsmith has received a complete package upload. However what happens when you want to intercept the results of a scan immediately. An early warning can make a difference when distributing vulnerable packages to hundreds, thousands, or even millions of developers, devices, or systems globally.