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The startup founders' guide to software delivery

Software delivery on a team of 2 people is vastly different from software delivery on a team of 200. Over the growth of a startup, processes and tool choices will evolve naturally - but either optimizing too early or letting them evolve without a picture of where you’re headed can cost you in time and agility later. That’s why I want to talk to you about how to evolve your delivery process with purpose.

How Statuspage deploys continuously with Bitbucket and Sleuth

This post was written by Michael Knighten, Founder & COO of Sleuth There are some similarities between deploying continuously and driving in the fast lane. When driving, you need to be always on the alert, proactively looking down the road for potential hazards. When you see them, you need to be able to react immediately, hit the brakes, and change course nimbly.

The Epicenter of the Developer Community: swampUP 2021

We’ve just concluded another fantastic swampUP conference, which saw thousands of global developers, DevOps Engineers, community leaders, CIOs and security professionals come together to explore the true epicenter of global business: DevOps. In the words of our CEO, Shlomi Ben Haim, community is more powerful than any pandemic, and we were honored and humbled to be joined by Amazon, Capital One, Salesforce, PagerDuty, Elastic, HashiCorp, Google, Red Hat and many more.

Bring your own CI/CD.

As a developer I couldn’t imagine working without one of these three things. For projects on GitHub the built-in actions should do the latter job fine in most cases. But as everything else they have limits. The more PRs, the more different tests per pull request and the longer those tests run, the longer different PRs have to wait for each other for the continuous integration to run.

How to build a team that demands metrics

When we talk about metrics in software delivery, a lot of developers think of execution metrics — things like throughput, delivery and number of deploys. But in reality, those metrics don’t motivate anyone — at least not without connecting them to a bigger picture. I’ve worked in software for 23 years. I’m a three-time founder and four-time CTO, responsible for leading a 200+ member distributed engineering organization.

Going Beyond Exclude Patterns: Safe Repositories With Priority Resolution

You probably remember the Namespace Shadowing a.k.a. “Dependency Confusion” attack that was in the news a couple of weeks ago. I blogged back then about the Exclude Patterns feature of JFrog Artifactory which we’ve had forever and was always intended to protect you against those kinds of attacks.

Reducing flaky test failures

Testing is vital because it helps you discover bugs before you release software, enabling you to deliver a high-quality product to your customers. Sometimes, though, tests are flaky and unreliable. Tests may be unreliable because of newly-written code or external factors. These flaky tests, also known as flappers, fail to produce accurate and consistent results. If your tests are flaky, they cannot help you find (and fix) all your bugs, which negatively impacts user experience.

Signed Pipelines Build Trust in your Software Supply Chain

Trust isn’t given, it’s earned. As the Russian proverb advises, Доверяй, но проверяй — or as U.S. President Ronald Reagan liked to repeat, “Trust, but verify.” We designed JFrog Pipelines to securely support a large number of teams, applications, users and thousands of pipelines.

Adding IaC security scans to your CI pipeline with Indeni

With CircleCI, there are many different CI/CD flows that can be automated. One such flow is the use of Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) to build cloud environments. For example, you can use CircleCI to automate the process of building Terraform plans and applying them, in order to create massive production setups in AWS, Azure, GCP, and other cloud environments.

Argo Rollouts, the Kubernetes Progressive Delivery Controller, Reaches 1.0 Milestone

Argo Rollouts, part of the Argo project, recently released their 1.0 version. You can see the changelog and more details on the Github release page. If you are not familiar with Argo Rollouts, it is a Kubernetes Controller that deploys applications on your cluster. It replaces the default rolling-update strategy of Kubernetes with more advanced deployment methods such as blue/green and canary deployments.