Most of you are familiar with the roles and profiles method of writing and classifying Puppet code. However, the roles and profiles method doesn’t have to exist only in your control repository. In fact, as I’ve been developing Puppet code centered around compliance, I’ve found that adapting the roles and profiles method into a design pattern to Puppet modules makes the code more auditable, reusable, and maintainable!
CircleCI has released a new feature called CircleCI runner. The runner feature augments and extends the CircleCI platform capabilities and enables developers to diversify their build/workload environments. Diversifying build environments satisfies some of the specific edge cases mentioned in our CircleCI runner announcement.
If you've been familiar with FireHydrant previously, you've probably started to notice some strange things going on with the FireHydrant brand over the past several months. New pages? New content? New messaging? New colors? Yes, your eyes do not deceive you, we've been making some changes!
For all the talk of digital transformation, there’s one workflow that tends to hinder release velocity: changes to API routing rules. But while—much to the consternation of enterprise developers everywhere—this process has historically remained stubbornly ticket-based, Spring Cloud Gateway removes this bottleneck. The open source project provides a developer-friendly way to route, secure, and monitor API requests.
As a team we have spent many years troubleshooting performance problems in production systems. Applications have gotten so complex you need a standard methodology to understand performance. Fortunately right now there are a couple of common frameworks we can borrow from: Despite using different acronyms and terms, they fortunately are all different ways of describing the same thing.
In this age of digital transformation, any issues with your IT infrastructure can cause major disruptions to your business. On top of this, IT environments that support critical business applications continue to get more complex and dynamic. As failures, outages, and incidents increase in volume and cost, the risk of an outage within your company becomes a very expensive one.