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Why you should take the 2020 Puppet user survey

We want to hear directly from you about your experience using Puppet products so we can ensure our portfolio rises to the demand of our customers. Take this survey to share your expertise with us. At Puppet, we’re dedicated to innovating the most modern, easy-to-use, secure and compliant products for our customers to ensure practitioners can simplify their workflows and enterprises can meet their business goals. Your input is extraordinarily valuable to us.

Ensuring a smooth Kubernetes Dockershim Deprecation with Chaos Engineering

Trying to improve the reliability of your Kubernetes deployment? Start with these 5 chaos experiments. Kubernetes 1.20 is scheduled to be released next week, and this version contains a number of amazing enhancements including graceful node shutdown, more visibility into resource requests, and snapshotting volumes. But the change generating the most buzz is the deprecation of Docker as a container runtime.

Combining Progressive Delivery With GitOps and Continuous Delivery Through Argo CD, Argo Rollouts, and Codefresh

Progressive delivery is arguably the most reliable and advanced set of deployment practices based on a simple idea. Instead of shutting down the old release and deploying a new one in its place, progressive delivery takes an iterative approach. It gradually increases the reach of a new release. That gives us quite a few benefits like zero-downtime deployments, reduced blast radius, increased security, and so on and so forth. I will not go into depth about what progressive delivery is.

What is Cloud-Native Storage?

Cloud-native is the ultimate buzzword lately. So, is “cloud-native storage” just an attempt to grab on to this concept, hoping for a little boost? Actually, there is something more to it, and I’ll unpack that here. The premise of cloud-native storage is simple: its native habitat is a Kubernetes cluster. When we design with the assumption that a technology will exist in Kubernetes, we get to look around and see what functionalities already exist in that system.

Designing Complex Components in Figma: Our Build Record

Figma is a web-based graphic editor and prototyping tool that is commonly used for UI design. Independent of the size of your organization, it is considered good practice to use design components. This post provides a case study on how we utilize Figma components to manage different states in the Codefresh UI. Note that this blog post was written before the release of variants and the new auto-layout features. We will update the blog after we update our style guide with these new amazing features.

Verizon and Ribbon's Partnership Advances Industry Standards for STIR/SHAKEN

On October 1, 2020, the FCC invited comments from the telecommunications industry to ascertain progress on implementing Caller ID Authentication. Verizon’s reply underscored the extensive amount of time and effort its team(s) have put in, yielding substantial progress.

Adding Helm Chart Security Mitigation Notes to ChartCenter

Earlier this year, we launched ChartCenter, our newest community platform to help Kubernetes developers find Helm charts. This new free Helm central repository was built with chart immutability  in mind— meaning every version of a Helm chart and every version in ChartCenter will always be available even if the original source goes down.

How to switch the Docker container runtime to containerd with Charmed Kubernetes

This article describes how easy it is for users of Charmed Kubernetes to switch from the Docker container runtime to containerd. You may have heard that Kubernetes is deprecating Docker as a container runtime after v1.20. Docker as an underlying runtime is being deprecated in favor of runtimes that use the Container Runtime Interface(CRI) created for Kubernetes, such as containerd.

App RePlatforming from Windows to Linux using CloudHedge

Are you fed up with constant system upgrades, virus attacks, and the cost burden of Windows licenses? Wouldn’t it be better if the platform had endless support? Then re-platforming the application from Windows to Linux is the better option because the operating system matters while doing the application development. App Replatforming is a complex process and CloudHedge helps customers to automate the modernization from Windows to Linux within days.