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HAProxy Log Sampling

Log Sampling is a powerful feature introduced in HAProxy 2.0 that lets you define a percentage of your logs to create a representative view of your data allowing you to minimize your costs. Log files are the key to observability. They can provide helpful information that can be used for debugging as well as analytics that can be used to understand how users interact with an application.

Introducing AI-Assisted Workflows and Automation-Grade Grouping

Imagine you’ve been working on a new feature for weeks. Finally—after exhaustive QA and testing, and more late coding sessions than you care to count—you release with a feeling of both accomplishment and relief. Only to be woken up at 3am that something’s wrong. Or worse, you get flooded with customer complaints that it’s not working properly. Well, it’s probably a scenario you don’t need to imagine. Every developer has a version of this story to tell.

Introducing Rancher on NetApp HCI: Hybrid Cloud Multicluster Kubernetes Management with Push-Button Ease

If you’re like me and have been watching the odd purchasing trends due to the pandemic, you probably remember when all the hair clippers were sold out — and then flour and yeast. Most recently, you might have seen this headline: Tupperware profits and shares soar as more people are eating at home during the pandemic. Tupperware is finally having its day. But a Tupperware stacking strategy is probably not why you’re here.

Full Steam Ahead! D2iQ Konvoy 1.6 and D2iQ Kommander 1.2 are GA!

The latest versions of Konvoy and Kommander are now available, continuing the rapid progress and relentless innovation that has characterized the D2iQ Kubernetes Platform (DKP) from its inception. We are also updating our integrated GitOps capabilities, and streamlining their integration with DKP to improve both developer and operator experiences and remove friction from the development and deployment pipelines.

How to deploy the Elastic Stack on Red Hat OpenShift with ECK

Managing hundreds or thousands of containers has quickly become the standard for many organizations. With infrastructures growing more complex, we want every user to find value with Elastic (regardless of where or how they operate). We created Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes (ECK) — the official Operator — to simplify setup, upgrades, scaling, and more for running Elasticsearch and Kibana on Kubernetes.

Cybersecurity defenses for IIoT

Cybersecurity attacks on industrial IoT solutions can have detrimental consequences. This is the case because IoT devices record privacy-sensitive data and control production assets. Therefore, demonstrable trustworthiness is prerequisite to IoT adoption in industrial settings. Fortunately, IT security is a mature field. Experts have identified classes of threats devices may be subject to. Let’s discuss these threat patterns and mitigation strategies in the IIoT context.

Distribute ROS 2 across machines with MicroK8s

Our simple ROS 2 talker and listener setup runs well on a single Kubernetes node, now let’s distribute it out across multiple computers. This article builds upon our simple ROS 2 talker / listener setup by running it on multiple K8s nodes. At the completion of this setup expect to have a ROS2 Kubernetes cluster running MicroK8s on three different machines. Applying a single configuration file distributes the ROS 2 workload across the machines.

Blameless Book Club: Implementing Service Level Objectives, Part 1

At Blameless, we value every opportunity to learn. Whether it’s taking time on Focus Fridays to attend a cool webinar, or conducting retrospectives for incidents, lost deals, events, and more, learning is core to our mission. To learn even more about our craft, we decided to start a book club at Blameless. People from every team (engineering, sales, SRE, marketing, product, people, and more) attended.

Creating Temporary Preview Environments Based On Pull Requests With Argo CD And Codefresh

Creating preview environments as a result of making pull requests is one of those practices that have vast potential and are yet largely overlooked. There is a strong chance that you are not using them, even though they can drastically increase productivity. I will not explain what preview environments are, besides stating that they are temporary environments created when pull requests are made and destroyed when PRs are closed.