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Migrating from the Codefresh registry to Google Container Registry

On July 15th the Codefresh registry that is part of all Codefresh accounts will be removed from service. The removal is part of a big round of improvements to our native integration with Docker registries. We have invested significant efforts in using Codefresh as a unified platform for Docker images and the way they are used inside CI/CD pipelines. More details on the migration actions for the Codefresh registry can be found in our timeline announcement.

Cost Optimization Tips from AWS Summit Online

This year’s AWS Summits are more than a little different. Despite being virtual due to the COVID-19 pandemic, AWS is packing these events with lots of content. I’ve had a great time attending virtually, trying out hands-on labs, and sitting in on the technical sessions. As I work primarily with cost management and optimization for cloud compute services, this has been my main interest in attending the conferences. Here are my main takeaways around better managing your AWS cloud costs.

Cloudsmith: Your Offsite DevOps Team

Cloudsmith can help reduce the amount of resources you need to devote to package management and DevOps, whilst delivering a better service to your teams than ever before. Here’s how and why. Package management is right at the heart of DevOps. Packages are both inputs and outputs in the DevOps process, and indeed many individual packages are both. Effectively, packages are the currency that engineers work in.

Multus: how to escape the Kubernetes eth0 prison

Kubernetes has been successful for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that it takes care of things that application developers may not want to bother with – such as, for example, networking. Multus is a feature that can be used on top of Kubernetes to enable complex networking use cases.

Service-Aware AIOps and finding answers to the question of 'what can I automate?'

Based on our interactions with buyers evaluating vendors in the AIOps market, much of what we’re hearing chimes with this quote - “What will AI allow us to automate? We'll be able to automate everything that we can describe. The problem is: it's not clear what we can describe.” Stephen Wolfram, computer scientist and physicist.

Kubernetes disaster prevention and recovery

Yeah, Kubernetes is great at making sure your workloads run as needed. But another of its amazing benefits is its ability to recover from failure all by itself. On an everyday basis, Kubernetes takes care of the complicated task of container orchestration. However, as with any complicated system, there is always the chance that you’ll experience failures and downtime.

Tools for debugging apps on Google Kubernetes Engine

Editor’s note: This is a follow up to a recent post on how to use Cloud Logging with containerized applications running in Google Kubernetes Engine. In this post, we’ll focus on how DevOps teams can use Cloud Monitoring and Logging to find issues quickly. Running containerized apps on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) is a way for a DevOps team to focus on developing apps, rather than on the operational tasks required to run a secure, scalable and highly available Kubernetes cluster.

Understanding and building Kubernetes Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs)

So, let's say you had a service or application that was built on an orchestration platform such as Kubernetes. In doing so, you must also address an overflowing array of architectural issues, including security, multi-tenancy, API gateways, CLI, configuration management, and logging. Wouldn't you like to save some manpower and development time and focus on creating something unique to your problem? Well, it just so happens that your solution lies in what's called a Custom Resource Definition, or CRD.

Install Artifactory HA on GKE in a Flash

Installing Artifactory on GKE, or on any Kubernetes cluster for that matter, can be complex. You have to think through several scenarios, switch back and forth between UI and command line, create a lengthy Helm command, search for acceptable parameters … and so on. All this before you have to configure certificates, licenses, database settings, node settings. But there’s more, what about future proofing it?