Microsoft Office 365, often simply referred to as Office 365, represents a significant shift in the way we approach work in a digital environment. It’s a subscription service that ensures you always have the most up-to-date modern productivity tools from Microsoft. This suite of services and applications goes beyond the traditional software suite to offer a wide range of tools and solutions to modern-day challenges faced by organizations and individuals alike.
When it comes to building and delivering modern web applications, the importance of continuous integration cannot be overemphasized. With the rapid pace of software development, ensuring that every change in your codebase is thoroughly tested and seamlessly integrated into your project is essential for maintaining a robust and dependable application.
Prometheus can be configured to read from and write to remote storage, in addition to its local time series database. This is intended to support long-term storage of monitoring data.
Collecting metrics about your servers, applications, and traffic is a critical part of an application development project. There are many things that can go wrong in production systems, and collecting and organizing data can help you pinpoint bottlenecks and problems in your infrastructure. In this article, we will discuss Graphite and StatsD, and how they can help form the basis of monitoring infrastructure.
Grafana is an open-source visualization and analytics tool that lets you query, graph, and alert on your time series metrics no matter where they are stored - Grafana dashboards provide telling insight into your organization. All data from Grafana Dashboards can be queried and presented with different types of panels ranging from time-series graphs and single stats displays to histograms, heat maps, and many more.
Grafana is an open-source platform for metric analytics, monitoring, and visualization. In this article, we will explore the basics of Grafana and learn how to deploy it to Kubernetes. You will find specific coding examples and screenshots you can follow to deploy Grafana.
Many organizations struggle with managing thousands of services and applications. A typical environment consists of a combination of modern cloud applications, on-premises workloads, and workloads that are in the process of being moved to the cloud. IT and operations teams can easily be overwhelmed by the large volume of data and activity that is generated across these systems.
Cloud computing and AI/machine learning (ML) are two powerful technologies that are even more impactful when used together. Cloud computing provides the infrastructure and resources needed to support AI/ML applications; while AI/ML enhances cloud computing by providing intelligent automation and decision-making capabilities.
If you’ve ever found yourself juggling multiple code versions and branches, desperately needing a toolkit to keep things organized, you’re in good company. We understand the challenges of version control, and that’s where these Git clients for Mac come into play.