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Making Sense: AI Effect, Red Hat Ruckus, Monoliths vs. Microservices

Each day the news assails us with a jumbled wave of trends, hype, provocative claims, and skirmishes. From news venues around the globe, the D2iQ brain trust is called upon to provide insights and commentary to help make sense of the hot topics and controversies affecting the cloud-native and Kubernetes communities.

10 Burning Questions CTOs Have About Kubernetes

As enterprise architecture and technology innovation leaders, it's crucial to understand the benefits, limitations and best practices associated with building cloud native apps and modernizing legacy workloads. Gartner recently published a worthwhile read addressing what keeps CTOs up at night while assessing Kubernetes and container adoption.

Vanilla 4.0 release

Last week we released a new major version of the Vanilla framework. Vanilla 4.0 introduces the elements of the new style used for a current rebranding of Canonical’s brochure websites, including typography changes of headings utilising new variable Ubuntu font, wider grid width, removed rounded corners, some updated colours, and updates to any related components.

Unleashing the Power of Azure Storage Integration

Azure Storage Integration! Sounds like a mouthful, doesn’t it? If you’ve been around the block in the world of cloud computing, you’ve probably heard of Azure and its seemingly limitless storage capabilities. In this article, we will dissect this powerful service, shedding light on what it is, how it works, and how you can leverage it to make your cloud journey smoother and more efficient.

What is Pushgateway?

Prometheus is an amazing tool, but it has limitations. Some of your applications, including batch jobs and ephemeral jobs, may not live long enough for it to find and scrape them. Since Prometheus cannot scrape all jobs, the company developed Pushgateway as a bridge tool. Because you usually cannot push metrics directly to the Prometheus application, you can sometimes use a Pushgateway to deliver the necessary data. When you need monitoring solutions, try Metricfire.

How we leverage our product responder role to push our pace of development

Like many of our own customers, at its heart, incident.io is a software company. Because of this, it means that our work is never truly “done." One of our primary goals is to help people coordinate their response to situations where things haven’t gone well, and make it easy to always do the right thing. But we know that there will always be bugs to fix, features to be introduced and improvements to be made, as evidenced by our changelog.

How We Ate Our Own Dog Food To Level-Up Internal Testing with Redgate Clone

Most applications have large and complex databases at the back end, making it hard for developers to adequately test their work before it goes out. Having a fast, repeatable process to deliver data on demand is an essential part of an effective software development lifecycle, ultimately leading to improved customer satisfaction.