Pricing: A Message from the Founders of Cloudsmith
Alan and Lee talk about the journey of Cloudsmith, and how we got to where we're at today with the latest pricing announcement.
Alan and Lee talk about the journey of Cloudsmith, and how we got to where we're at today with the latest pricing announcement.
We dive into the details of why we're changing the pricing at Cloudsmith, what it means for you, and how we can help.
If you are on Shipa Cloud today, you will have noticed a new module called Insights. We are pleased to announce the initial release of Shipa Insights and certainly have a lot in store as we continue to build out the module. As more items continue to shift left towards the developer and the rise of the full lifecycle developer continues to occur, outside of technical non-functional requirements such as connectivity, reporting and metrics are also important.
To provide world-class developer experiences and get applications to production quickly and securely, you need a team of experts devoted to running your platform as a product. For organizations that build and publish software at scale, developing the tech stack on which developers will create applications and push them to production is often the main focus.
Without logs, or a good understanding of them, debugging an application or looking through an error stack trace can be challenging. Luckily, Flask logging can change the way you understand debugging and how you interact with logs produced by the application. The Flask logging module gives you a way to record errors over different severity levels. A default logging module is included in the Python standard library, and it provides both simple and advanced logging functions.
Welcome to a special Monthly Moo - Product Edition. We have so much to share that we needed to create a special edition of the Monthly Moo to cover all the latest features that are now available. And to see these in action, sign up for our webinar that's coming on Tuesday. More details below. With many new features recently rolled out we need to group them in logical order to cover each of the following categories.
It’s a fact of life that most multi-cloud newcomers will experience sticker shock at some point. The Infrastructure and Operations leaders we work with at Teneo often tell us that that their multi-cloud environments came with hidden costs and complexities way beyond what they’d originally estimated. But it’s the day to day management that they and their teams say is most complicated and daunting.
Nowadays, REST is ubiquitous across most kinds of applications. It provides an easy, simple and clear language to communicate between services, usually a frontend and a backend. Although, there are many good alternatives and I want to talk about one in particular - gRPC. From my days as a Software Engineer at Google, I have grown quite fond of gRPC. Google uses it everywhere, from communicating between frontend and backend, to communicating with database servers to all kinds of microservices.