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Use the Proxy Protocol to Preserve a Client's IP Address

In this blog post, you’ll learn how the Proxy Protocol preserves a client’s IP address when that client’s connection passes through a proxy. You will also find resources for how to integrate the protocol into your own proxy or web server software. What is the Proxy Protocol? It is a network protocol for preserving a client’s IP address when the client’s TCP connection passes through a proxy.

Testing Metrics using MetricFire

We offer a free trial period to ensure that our customers use MetricFire successfully. But often when someone signs up for a trial they may not know where to start. This is a guide on how to use your trial to test your data and see if MetricFire is right for your use case. Each use case is different so it is important to book a call with our technical support team so we can help you utilize your free trial optimally for you. Create a MetricFire account for free and see how our system works.

AWS Production Deployment Checklist

CI/CD is now an inevitable need of every modern application. Many startup companies adopt CI/CD with a good cloud vendor. Still, they do not follow the guidelines needed for successful deployment, and even if they do that, they find difficulty scaling the application. Here in this article, we will go through a comprehensive checklist to help you perform stable and successful production deployments on AWS.

Secure Supply Chain: Verifying Image Signatures in Kubewarden

After these last releases Kubewarden now has support for verifying the integrity and authenticity of artifacts within Kubewarden using the Sigstore project. In this post, we shall focus on verifying container image signatures using the new verify-image-signatures policy. To learn more about how Sigstore works, take a look at our previous post

Automate testing for Golang Gin-gonic RESTful APIs

Gin is a high-performance HTTP web framework written in Golang. It contains features and functionalities like routing and middleware out of the box. This helps to reduce boilerplate code, improves productivity, and simplifies the process of building microservices. In this tutorial, I will guide you through the process of building a RESTful API with Golang using the Gin-gonic framework. I will also lead you through building an API to manage the basic details of a company.

Continuous integration for React applications using Jest and Enzyme

React continues to be the web framework of choice for many UI developers, surpassing jQuery as the most popular framweork in the 2021 Stack Overflow Developer Survey. It provides an intuitive model for building data-driven user interfaces, and efficiently updates the DOM when this data changes. React pairs nicely with Redux for managing the data that React needs to render interfaces. Redux offers a predictable way to structure and update the data in those frontend applications.

Secure Multi-Tenancy for Charmed Kubernetes with Clastix' new Charmed Operator

The new Charmed Operator covering the Capsule Kubernetes extension allows users of Canonical’s Charmed Kubernetes distribution to automatically install and integrate Clastix Capsule Multi-Tenancy as part of the Kubernetes cluster deployment process.