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How to protect your secrets with Spectral and JFrog Pipelines

Thousands of secrets leak daily on public git repositories, including over two million corporate secrets in 2020 alone. This can happen to anyone! For example, in January 2021, an Amazon cloud engineer accidentally committed almost a gigabyte worth of sensitive data that included their own personal documents, as well as passwords and cryptographic keys to various AWS environments on his personal GitHub repository.

Service Level Agreement (SLA) Metrics by Example

In today’s hybrid and multi-cloud world, you need to be more sure than ever that you have a handle on your service-level agreement (SLA) performance. But how do you make sure your cloud providers are giving you what you’re paying for? You have likely read, or maybe skimmed, their SLA. How do you find out if they’re meeting that SLA? You do so by monitoring your SLA metrics. In this post, you’ll learn about SLAs and the metrics you can use to monitor their performance .

Autonomous mobile robots (AMR) - a beginner's guide to adoption

The process of automation with autonomous mobile robots (AMR) is challenging. Is not only about the budget for companies looking to automate. It also requires a deep understanding of your processes, from material handling to end product. Automation taps into having a broader sense of where you are and where you want to be.

Ubuntu 20.04 LTS drives high security and regulated workloads with its FIPS 140-2 certification

Austin, Texas – Ubuntu, the world’s most popular operating system across private and public clouds has received the FIPS 140-2, Level 1 certification for its cryptographic modules in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, including OpenSSL 1.1.1.

Platform as a Service (PaaS): A guide

Cloud computing has conquered our lives, from massive on-premise systems and storage hubs to fully virtualized storage platforms. Today, organizations are reengineering their strategies rapidly into cloud-friendly which resulted in a rapid growth in cloud migration rate. Studies says, worldwide cloud infrastructure services investments are increased to $41.8 billion in the first quarter of 2021. Because, there is always a double-fold benefit from the cloud transformation.

A beginner's guide to Platform.sh

Hey friends, I recently joined Platform.sh as a Developer Relations Engineer, and I’ve been playing with the platform for a few weeks now. In this blog post, I’ll share some things I’ve learned about Platform.sh, how I was able to deploy my first Node.js application, and a few features that I think could be improved.

Manage Ocean GKE Virtual Node Groups using Terraform

Spot by NetApp allows its users to manage their application infrastructure using a variety of provisioning tools. One of these tools is Terraform, an infrastructure as code (IaC) tool that allows users to build, change, and version infrastructure safely and efficiently. Spot by NetApp solutions supports multiple Terraform resources, such as Elastigroup, EMR Mr scaler, Managed Instance, and Ocean clusters for different cloud providers, and many more.

What Is NaaS And How Can It Benefit Your business?

In this blog, we look at why a Network-as-a-Service (NaaS) model has become more popular among enterprises, and how it helps improve network service provisioning and cloud connectivity. Following the mass adoption of subscription services by consumers - themselves enabled through the technological leap delivered by the cloud - the ‘as-a-service’ model of consumption has grown in popularity among enterprises in the last decade.

An exciting update on diff and merge performance

Back in July I published Encountering some turbulence on Bitbucket's journey to a new platform, sharing with the public for the first time that Bitbucket Cloud is in the final stages of a migration from our data center onto Atlassian's cloud platform—the same internal platform underlying Jira Cloud, Confluence Cloud, Statuspage, and many other internal services. I also shared that because of increased file system latency as a result of this platform move, certain operations have become slower.