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Mute Datadog alerts for planned downtime

We’re happy to announce the release of new muting features for Datadog monitors. Scoped monitor muting allows teams to eliminate unnecessary alerting during scheduled maintenance, testing, auto scaling events, and instance reboots. Your teams will therefore be able to filter out expected events and quickly pinpoint critical issues in your infrastructure. Previously, monitor muting was binary: all-or-nothing.

Performance Tool k6 Acquired by Grafana Labs

There was a big announcement this year at GrafanaCon 2021 that performance testing tool k6 is being aquired by Grafana Labs. It was really exciting news for folks who cheer for open source because these are two giant projects. At time of this writing, k6 has over 12K stars and Grafana with a respectable 42K stars on Github as well. In full transparency, I have used both of those repos many times over the years and am a fellow stargazer.

Resilience in Action E8: Vanessa Yiu on Crafting Enterprise Architecture

‍Resilience in Action is a podcast about all things resilience, from SRE to software engineering, to how it affects our personal lives, and more. Resilience in Action is hosted by Kurt Andersen. Kurt is a practitioner and an active thought leader in the SRE community. He speaks at major DevOps & SRE conferences and publishes his work through O'Reilly in quintessential SRE books such as Seeking SRE, What is SRE?, and 97 Things Every SRE Should Know.

Rancher Desktop v0.3.0 Release

We are happy to share the v0.3.0 release of Rancher Desktop. This release brings more stability, some new features, and a fresh look to the UI. This screenshot shows the preferences screen while in dark mode on Mac. In the lower left corner the status when performing an action is now displayed. This status will tell you when Rancher Desktop needs to download something, such as a version of Kubernetes you have now used before, or when another step is happening.

Drive DevSecOps Visibility with JFrog Partner Integrations

If you need your teams to act, you need to alert them where they’re already looking. Yet yesterday’s DevOps practices demand individuals to wrangle with uncorrelated events, multiple UIs, and siloed technologies. Tomorrow’s DevOps must enable teams with: To practice DevSecOps, you’ll need to know where a vulnerable build has been deployed into production, and where to find the corrected build that should replace it.

One Spot for K8s application delivery and CloudOps: Introducing Ocean CD

The widespread adoption of Kubernetes has made it table stakes for the modern cloud native stack. Software is now being purpose-built for Kubernetes, and as companies enter this new phase of their cloud journey, they are looking to scale this cloud native, Kubernetes-first model. Building upon years of experience with Kubernetes, Spot by NetApp is continuously innovating to bring new ways to help customers achieve this goal.

A Complete Guide To Use Git For Beginners

Writing code might be complex but it is easier to control with the right support tool. How do you know a new build of your software has shipped successfully? How do you know a single feature added to your website is working as you want it to? To ease the pain of tracking down all the issues, version control systems are useful tools that help you keep monitoring the changes that you make to your code.

SREview Issue #14 June 2021

Hoping you're headed towards a fun summer season and some time without masks. Let's avoid a new kind of tan-line! This newsletter shares useful industry content and an exciting Blameless product announcement. Find our fave tweets and events in the SRE and resilience engineering community. We're hiring! Check out the job openings here.