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Episode 12: Tweaking Systemd Services With Ansible

We thought we were done with infrastructure work. We were wrong. Just as we've started work on application code, it turns out our server configuration needs a couple changes. Our application loads its environment config based off of an environment variable. We need to ensure this variable is actually set on the server. We also want to fix our Ansible playbook which fails when run on fresh servers.

Visualizing COVID-19 with Elastic

There are various publicly available data-sources that we may leverage to visualize the COVID-19 pandemic. We will use the materials created by SiScale (https://www.siscale.com/) as they have composed a rather elegant means of ingesting COVID-19 data. This document is designed to be an instructional guide on how to implement this solution locally or with the Elastic Cloud. We will first configure the necessary components, ingest the data source, then show how to create the additional Machine Learning jobs as well as creating a Canvas dashboard.

Canary Releases on Kubernetes with Spinnaker, Istio, and Prometheus

In a microservices world, applications consist of dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of components. Manually deploying and verifying deployment quality in production is virtually impossible. Kubernetes, which natively supports rolling updates, enables blue-green application deployments with Spinnaker. However, the gradual rollout is a feature that doesn’t come out-of-the-box but can be achieved by adding Istio and Prometheus to the equation.

GetSet Learning: Evolving with Elastic

Evolving With Elastic Ray Myers and Eric Bjerstedt, GetSet Learning So you’ve got a search index - now what? What benefits will that investment provide as your product grows? We’ll explore the timeline of Elasticsearch adoption at an Education Tech startup as told by the heads of Engineering and Product and see how those teams juggled trade-offs between business value and technical capabilities leading to solutions neither side would have come up with on their own.