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Episode 10: Installing Redis from Ansible Galaxy

A pre-built playbook from Ansible Galaxy lets us easily install Redis. (Even we don't re-invent the wheel every time.) The Request Metrics application will use Redis as its main data store. We need to install Redis on our servers to find out if this is a good plan. Ansible provides a repeatable way of doing this configuration work.

Cookdown Alert Sync Wait Rules Explained

From Cookdown Alert Sync 1.5 onwards, the SCOM connector for ServiceNow allows you to hold alerts for a period of time before deciding whether to create an Incident in ServiceNow for them or not. This is great for preventing alerts from port flaps or CPU utilization spikes from being raised as Incidents. We call this functionality "Wait Rules" and this video explains how they work

Meetup ElasticFR Paris #44 : Monitoring the COVID-19 outbreak using the Elastic Stack

The outbreak of the COVID-19 has surprised a lot of different countries all over the world. In this virtual meetup we are going to see how easy it is to put data from the World Health Organization regarding COVID-19 in Elasticsearch and visualize them in Kibana.

DevOps Patterns and Antipatterns for Continuous Software Updates at Cloud Native Virtual Summit

So, you want to update the software for your user, be it the nodes in your K8s cluster, a browser on user’s desktop, an app in user’s smartphone or even a user’s car. What can possibly go wrong? In this talk, we’ll analyze real-world software update fails and how multiple DevOps patterns, that fit a variety of scenarios, could have saved the developers. Manually making sure that everything works before sending an update and expecting the user to do acceptance tests before they update is most definitely not on the list of such patterns.

What is Load Testing? | Load Testing with LoadView

What is load testing and why is load testing important? Load testing is the practice of simulating real-world usage, or load, on any software, website, web application, API, or system. This video sets out to explain the reasons why companies should load test and we'll go through a short demo of our load testing platform LoadView.