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Optimizing Network Performance using Topology Aware Routing with Calico eBPF and Standard Linux dataplane

In this blog post, we will explore the concept of Kubernetes topology aware routing and how it can enhance network performance for workloads running in Amazon. We will delve into topology aware routing and discuss its benefits in terms of reducing latency and optimizing network traffic flow. In addition, we’ll show you how to minimize the performance impact of overlay networking, using encapsulation only when necessary for communication across availability zones.

Vanilla 4.0 release

Last week we released a new major version of the Vanilla framework. Vanilla 4.0 introduces the elements of the new style used for a current rebranding of Canonical’s brochure websites, including typography changes of headings utilising new variable Ubuntu font, wider grid width, removed rounded corners, some updated colours, and updates to any related components.

What does the future of AI hold in store?

On 16 July the world celebrates International Artificial Appreciation Day. In the previous century, science fiction often covered topics and inventions that are now closer to science fact, such as humanoid robots. In the 50s, artificial intelligence met both great successes, including algorithm development, and big failures, caused by compute power constraints.

How to choose an OS for software development in automotive

Automotive as an industry is constantly looking for ways to improve its processes and efficiency. The one common tool that is at the intersection of all software development activities is the operating system (OS). From advanced simulation tools to new vehicle designs, the OS has to be reliable and provide the best platforms for a maximum number of purposes.

Large language models (LLMs): what, why, how?

Large language models (LLMs) are machine-learning models specialised in understanding natural language. They became famous once ChatGPT was widely adopted around the world, but they have applications beyond chatbots. LLMs are suitable to generate translations or content summaries. This blog will explain large language models (LLMs), including their benefits, challenges, famous projects and what the future holds.

Canonical Kubernetes 1.28 pre-announcement

Kubernetes 1.28 is currently planned to be released on the 15th of August 2023. Canonical Kubernetes 1.28 is scheduled to release swiftly afterwards, with MicroK8s 1.28 expected to be generally available within 24 hours of upstream, and Charmed Kubernetes expected to follow within days. We consistently follow the upstream release cadence to provide our users and customers with the latest improvements and fixes, together with security maintenance and enterprise support for Kubernetes on Ubuntu.

Why you need to protect your confidential virtual machine from itself

In the traditional computing threat model, privileged system software like the hypervisor, host OS, firmware, and DMA-capable devices were all granted access to the data and code of your workloads. This was widely accepted because it seemed necessary for the system managing VM resources (memory, execution, and hardware access) to also have access to the workload’s data. How else could it manage it after all?

An introduction to smart home business models

Smart homes are changing. A modern smart home typically isn’t a self-contained, set-it-and-forget-it, custom installation. It’s a hyper-connected set of devices that work together to automate and enhance the users’ living space. Today’s smart homes contain devices from many manufacturers, running dozens of protocols, interfacing with multiple cloud backends.

Comparing Ubuntu vs macOS for enterprise developers

In the constantly evolving world of software development and IT management, choosing the right operating system for your enterprise developers is a strategic choice. Ubuntu vs macOS, which is right for you? Our latest whitepaper helps you answer this question and make an informed decision. This blog post provides a sneak peek into our findings covering both the developer landscape, and the key considerations for IT administrators. Considering macOS or Linux for your organisation?