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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

VMware Advanced Monitoring for Horizon - App Volumes

Beyond VMware Horizon, eG Innovations includes purpose-built, fully integrated modules for other VMware technologies and even third-party products likely to be used alongside Horizon. Technologies supported include the Blast Extreme protocol, VMware Unified Access Gateway (UAG), thin clients, and of course, App Volumes. Today, I’ll focus on how to ensure that you can monitor App Volumes both via full insights via App Volumes Manager but also via continuous monitoring of user endpoints.

A Year of WebPageTest and Catchpoint: A Q&A with Tim Kadlec and Jeena James

Look out for our other video Q&As this week with Catchpoint co-founders, Mehdi Daoudi, CEO and Dritan Suljoti, Chief Product and Technology Officer. ‍Jeena: Can you tell us what you've been up to, what you've been doing with the team for the last couple of months, and how's it been so far with Catchpoint and WebPageTest?

Replay Log in Distributed Icinga Environments

An essential part of a distributed monitoring environment with Icinga that includes master, satellite and agent nodes is the replay log functionality. The replay log is a built-in mechanism to ensure nodes in a distributed setup keep the same history e.g. check results, notifications and downtimes if nodes are temporarily disconnected and then reconnect.

Tutorial: Getting Started with AWS Lambda and Node.js

AWS Lambda is an incredible tool that works well with an abundance of other services on AWS. In this hands-on walkthrough, we’ll show you how to get started and create your first Node.js AWS Lambda function. Once upon a time, not so long ago, a word caught my ear. Lambda. That struck a chord, remembering the good old days of playing Half-Life as a kid. Little did I know what AWS Lambda was and how incredibly awesome it is. If you’re intrigued, stick around.

Splunk RUM Frontend Error Monitoring is Now Generally Available!

Debugging errors is an essential component to SRE and developer workflows. “How do we prioritize and isolate JavaScript errors more effectively?” is a top challenge we hear from engineering teams looking to improve end-user experience. Therefore, we are excited to announce the general availability of Splunk RUM frontend error monitoring.

Five Critical Insights You Won't Get With Your Cloud Provider's Monitoring Solution Alone

When meeting with a current or prospective Splunk customer, one question we are often asked is “Why do I need Splunk when I can just use AWS Cloudwatch, Azure Monitor, or GCP Cloud Operations Suite (formerly known as Stackdriver) for my cloud monitoring needs?” And what a great question it is!

The 2022 State of Observability Report

Interest in observability is at an all-time high. When we attended KubeCon in Los Angeles in October, observability and security were everywhere—in conversations with attendees and other vendors, during sessions, and in messaging at booths—indicating that there’s still an unmet need. In fact, Gartner declared that observability is at the ‘peak of inflated expectations' in a recent Hype Cycle report.

JavaScript security: Vulnerabilities and best practices

If you run an interactive website or application, JavaScript security is a top priority. There’s a huge array of things that can go wrong, from programmatic errors and insecure user inputs to malicious attacks. While JavaScript error monitoring can help you catch many of these issues, understanding common JavaScript security risks and following best practices is just as important.

A first look at Amazon CloudWatch Real User Monitoring

Real User Monitoring (RUM) has been providing valuable insights into real user experiences for many years. It’s not every day that we see a new player enter the market, but last week we did, and a very powerful player at that – Amazon. Real User Monitoring for Amazon CloudWatch was announced at AWS re:Invent 2021, adding to their existing suite of over 200 products and services. As you can imagine, our ears perked up at this announcement and we’re eager to take a look.

Speed vs Uptime | Where to Focus This Holiday Season

Revenue and consumer confidence are at stake this holiday season for brands worldwide. Shoppers are on the prowl for deals, and their predator instincts hunt for bargains in milliseconds. Google cites convenience, price, and availability as the top three reasons why consumers choose to shop online. Today’s online shopping has built an expectation for ease of use, and consumers have evolved into apex shoppers.