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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

What is network scanning? How to do it?

The work of an admin or network administrator may seem ordinary, that type of work that just follows a guide, but right now, you could not be further from truth. Here I bring you network scanning, a task that could take a lot of your time… or little, if you have Pandora FMS by your side and with the help of one of those free software applications included in GNU / Linux. Let’s take a look!

An IT Operations Pro Reading List for Covid-19

IT operations pros worldwide are in wartime. They’ve got to support a mass number of people transitioning to remote work overnight. This is putting a severe strain on networks and servers and security policies. They may also be dealing with major traffic jams on customer-facing websites, especially for consumer-facing businesses in retail, healthcare and financial services. If you haven’t done a lot of pre-planning, things might be a little rough in your business right now.

JavaScript Tracing: How to Find Slow Code

Finding slow JavaScript code can be a tricky problem to solve. Small code changes can have a big impact on the performance of your code. Fortunately, many different approaches can help you nail down the exact source of the problem. In this post, you’ll learn about three methods that’ll bring you the results you’re seeking. You can trust manual code inspection, but that has its disadvantages.

The 3 worst culprits of slow first byte time

Time to first byte has become a popular enough issue for web site operators that it now has its own acronym. The true problem with slow responses from a web server can be difficult to understand, because it has a lot more to do with human nature than it does with technical issues. Getting a faster response is the easy part. Getting and keeping a web audience is much more difficult.

The Top 8 Website Monitoring Best Practices

Your website is an extension of your business. In some cases, your website is what people use as their first impressions of your business. Visitors to your site expect it to work correctly and provide a positive customer experience. When things are working correctly, people are more likely to spend time exploring your site to learn about your business, your products, and your services. They may even register an online account if you offer this feature.

February 2020 Downtime Report

February kicked 2020 off with a terrifying glimpse into what happens when the Internet of Things stops Internetting things. If we consider our central question this year of uptime in the age of always-connected, then we start to see the impact of hidden failures. All the stuff we don’t know we know impacts the end-user. Someone forgets to renew a TLS certificate, half the business world can’t collaborate. Someone else flubs an update?

Free CDN Performance check! Are you getting everything you expect from your CDN?

In case you haven’t heard, Uptrends has a new, exciting free tool, CDN Performance Check. The new tool makes checking on your CDN performance super easy. Plug in a URL for your site or one of your static resources and watch as Uptrends times the connection and download from over 40 worldwide locations. It’s one quick test, but you get so much CDN performance information back. All you need is your site’s URL or the URL for one of your static page elements served up by a CDN.