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The latest News and Information on Serverless Monitoring, Management, Development and related cloud technologies.

AWS Lambda Container Image Support Tutorial

This is an example machine learning image recognition stack using AWS Lambda Container Images. Lambda container images can include more source assets than traditional ZIP packages (10 GB vs 250 MB image sizes), allowing for larger ML models to be used. This example contains an AWS Lambda function that uses the Open Images Dataset TensorFlow model to detect objects in an image.

Automating Serverless Tasks with the Lumigo CLI

Here at Lumigo, our mission is to help customers succeed with serverless by solving the observability problem and letting them focus on adding business value with serverless technologies. And to do that, we love to eat our own dogfood – be it using the same serverless technologies that our customers use and even using Lumigo to monitor Lumigo itself! That way, we feel your pain and we find solutions to problems that you care about.

Bullet-Proofing Serverless Infrastructures with Failure and Threat Detection

When building cloud-based systems and serverless systems, in particular, it’s crucial to stay on top of things. Your infrastructure will be miles away from you and not a device you hold in your hands like when you build a frontend. That’s why adding a monitoring solution to your stack, which offers a pre-configured serverless failure detection, should be one of the first decisions.

How I Manage Credentials in Python Using AWS Secrets Manager

A platform-agnostic way of accessing credentials in Python. Even though AWS enables fine-grained access control via IAM roles, sometimes in our scripts we need to use credentials to external resources, not related to AWS, such as API keys, database credentials, or passwords of any kind. There are a myriad of ways of handling such sensitive data. In this article, I’ll show you an incredibly simple and effective way to manage that using AWS and Python.

7 Reasons Why Serverless Encourages Useful Engineering Practices

Serverless provides benefits far beyond the ease of management…it strongly encourages “useful” engineering practices. Here’s how. It’s hard to determine what can be considered a “good” or “bad” engineering practice. We often hear about best practices, but everything really boils down to a specific use case. Therefore, I deliberately chose the word “useful” rather than “good” in the title.

How to monitor AWS SQS with Prometheus

In this article, we will explain how to monitor AWS SQS with Prometheus. To monitor AWS SQS, we will leverage the data offered by CloudWatch exporting the metrics to Prometheus using the YACE exporter (Yet Another CloudWatch Exporter). Finally, we will dive into what to monitor and what to alert. AWS SQS (Simple Queue Service) has gained popularity as a way to communicate and decouple asynchronous applications, specifically for its easy integration with AWS Lambda functions.

3 ways of recycling third-party code for AWS Lambda

In this article, I’m trying to shine some light on the AWS Lambda Layers, Lambda Extensions, and Docker image for Lambda, in order to add third-party code to Lambda. When and how to use which method, and when to mix and match? Due to the circumstances in 2020, many software releases were postponed, and so the industry slowed its development speed quite a bit. But at least at AWS, some teams got updates out of the door at the end of the year. AWS Lambda got two significant improvements.

Automatically debug and test CI/CD Pipeline with Dashbird

In this article, we will build a CI/CD pipeline with the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) and debug a test it using Dashbird’s observability tool. In 2021, continuous integration and continuous delivery, or short CI/CD, should be part of every modern software development process. It helps deliver new features and bug fixes much faster.

Serverless at Scale: How to migrate a legacy system to Serverless and make it work?

Thinking about moving your business to Serverless in 2021 and really making it work for you? This webinar is for you!  In the first part of the session we’ll be covering all the important and often overlooked of steps and best practices of moving to serverless. Starting from how do you actually go about migrating a legacy system, all the way to how to empower your team through the transition and level up their skills thereafter.