We are thrilled to announce that Grafana 7.0 has been released for general availability. Join us as Torkel Ödegaard, the creator of Grafana, hosts a full demo of 7.0 during GrafanaCONline today. With Grafana v7.0, our goal was to extend on the Grafana platform by making it easier and more consistent for existing users, and intuitive and simple for those not familiar with Grafana.
GrafanaCONline is live! We hope you’re able to catch the great online sessions we have planned over the next couple of weeks. After Grafana creator Torkel Ödegaard, Grafana Labs CEO Raj Dutt, and VP of Product (and Cortex co-creator) Tom Wilkie kicked off the conference with a keynote discussing the future of Grafana and the upcoming Grafana 7.0 release, GrafanaCONline continued with a focus on Grafana’s global reach.
GrafanaCONline is live! We hope you’re able to catch the great sessions we have planned over the next couple of weeks. The conference kicked off yesterday with a keynote from Grafana creator Torkel Ödegaard, Grafana Labs CEO Raj Dutt, and VP of Product (and Cortex co-creator) Tom Wilkie.