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Enriching Splunk Contact Center Analytics with uberAgent Endpoint Monitoring

Like many other industries, contact centers are increasingly relying on employees working from home. The WFH trend poses new challenges, but it also surfaces issues that were largely ignored before. This article explains how holistic monitoring with Splunk Contact Center Analytics and uberAgent help drive exceptional customer service.

Exploring the Value of your Google Cloud Logs and Metrics

With our ability to ingest GCP logs and metrics into Splunk and Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring, there’s never been a better time to start driving value out of your GCP data. We’ve already started to explore this with the great blog from Matt here: Getting to Know Google Cloud Audit Logs. Expanding on this, there’s now a pre-built set of dashboards available in a Splunkbase App: GCP Application Template for Splunk!

Automating With Splunk Phantom: How Norlys Does It

Some tasks are better off automated. Paying bills on time? Automated payments. Orchestrating a coordinated response to security alerts and triaging security events? There’s Splunk Phantom for that. Monotonous tasks, in our work and personal lives, should and can be automated in order to free up time and energy to focus on the things that matter.

Defense Department Cybersecurity: All Ahead on Zero Trust

With the Defense Department’s quick and successful pivot to a remote workforce last Spring via its Commercial Virtual Remote (CVR) environment, it proved that the future to fully operate from anywhere in the world is now. Gone are the days of thousands of civilian employees heading into the Pentagon or other installations everyday. However, with this new disparate workforce comes increased risks for network security. As my colleague Bill Wright expertly noted last Summer.


As security practitioners, we all have things we want to be able to tell our CISO’s. We need to tell them we need more money, more headcount, we need to be able to tell them their baby (security program) is ugly. Everyone wants the ear of a CISO for the dollars they control. We just want their ear to help them understand what’s really going on in the industry and in their organization.

It Came From The Clouds

Beware that which lives amongst the Clouds. Or, ya know, just attack them mercilessly. One of the best parts about having such talented security pros at Splunk, is they also make amazing products. And some are even free. Enter the Cloud Attack Range, a detection development platform written/maintained by Splunkers Jose Hernandez and Mike Haag and open-sourced to everyone. Joining us will be Co-Founder of Red Canary Keith McCammon. Red Canary integrates with Attack Cloud to help generate attack data. It’s a true community project and we’re going to chat about it.

I Wish Someone Had Squished That Phish

It’s long since been established that it’s not if a breach will occur in your enterprise, it’s when. Are you prepared for that response? As Dave Kennedy, CEO of TrustedSec once asked a Brrcon audience, “If all you had was Sysmon, could you still do a successful IR?” Best practices are only best if you actually practice them. Along with Robert Wagner, Staff Security Specialist at Splunk, we’ll talk about ways to get your teams to their fighting weight when the bad guys sneak in through the basement.

Security Spotlight: Ryan Kovar

Splunk is home to some of the best security minds that this industry has to offer. Once a month we’ll take a deep dive and have a chat with one of those minds. First up, Distinguished Security Strategist and co-creator of the Boss Of The SOC, Ryan Kovar. With 20 years of experience in the security space, we’ll have a lot to chat about over the course of an hour.