A short interview where Ryan Glass, lead developer on Downtime Monkey and director of Big Toe Web Design, talks about taking Downtime Monkey from idea to reality.
Is it just for me, or for everyone else too? Sometimes you might be wondering if everyone cannot load your website, or is it just you. Here are some easy steps to find out if your site is unavailable for everyone.
Fifteen years ago nobody complained about shipping features too often. Today some teams have a different problem. New features are rolling out from the software teams faster than they and the rest of their company can keep up.
We recently shipped version 3.2 of the honeybadger Ruby Gem, which includes a new feature to make it easier to add context to your error reports.
The Spiceworks browser extension, which keeps you connected to Spiceworks right from your Chrome browser, now let’s you see Cloud Help Desk ticket alerts and open tickets, even if you don’t have your Cloud Help Desk open!
With the proper auditing enabled (Logon/Logoff – Logon (Failure)) and EventSentry installed however, we can permanently block remote users / hosts who attempt to log on too many times with a wrong password. Setting this up is surprisingly simple.
Though re:Invent technically runs for another day, the fourth day is traditionally the final day in terms of large announcements — this certainly rings true for this year as well, with several significant announcements from Amazon and associates.
If business professionals ignore network and system issues, the consequences could be dire. For instance, imagine what might happen if your company suffers a cyberattack, flood or supply chain failure. In this scenario, your critical networks and systems may slow down or stop working. And if you lack an effective business continuity management (BCM) strategy, you risk downtime and outages that could put a significant dent in your business’ bottom line.
Website monitoring discounts are now available.