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DevOps vs. Compliance: A Guide to Having it All

Atlassian product teams use a blend of agile and DevOps practices. But there are still SOX and ISO compliance standards to meet when it comes to change management. What's a modern dev team to do? Join Guy Herbert, Atlassian's IT compliance lead as he shows how we combine peer review and build testing with a new approach to compliance in order to deliver customer value quickly while meeting our compliance obligations.

Compliance Monitoring: Leveraging Online Tools to Ensure Compliance in Regulated Industries

Compliance departments are beginning to turn to website monitoring tools to help bolster their compliance monitoring efforts as it’s become increasingly difficult for these firms to remain compliant with industry regulations in recent years. Firms operating in highly regulated / legacy industries suddenly find themselves more vulnerable than ever to fines and penalties from regulators.

All the Security and Compliance Features Announced at AWS Re:Invent 2018

Yet another Re:Invent has concluded, leaving behind a trail of announcements, new features, and vendor swag (how many T-shirts can we possibly own?). Security was a hot topic at this year’s conference; so much so that it was mentioned in-depth within the first 10 minutes of Andy Jassy’s keynote and numerous times afterwards, as well as during Werner Vogel’s keynote the following day.

The Challenge Facing Compliance Officers in the Financial Services Sector

Compliance is a major challenge for firms operating in highly regulated industries that rely on external networks of agents or affiliates to sell and/or promote their products. In wealth management, insurance, and lending industries, regulations stipulate that any “content” that is publicly accessible is considered to be advertising and as such, subject to strict compliance oversight.