Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

October 2020

How to Monitor MongoDB Logs

MongoDB is a leading NoSQL database that has proven itself through time as a stable and easy-to-use system of great flexibility. There are numerous tutorials and real-world success stories that show how MongoDB has helped with supporting the database needs of certain organizations and projects. It’s fair to say that using MongoDB proves to be a solid choice for integrating with web-based applications and microservices serving as a database system or even as a monitoring aggregator itself.

How to analyze IIS logs for better monitoring

Log analysis helps organizations determine the best way to optimize application functionality while giving development teams a leg up in root cause analysis. With that said, it’s not feasible to scroll through thousands of lines of log entries in a text editor. Instead, development teams need modern tools that enable them to centralize, filter, and analyze their logs in a way that allows them to glean valuable insights in a time-efficient manner.

Enhancing Observability in DevSecOps

Digital transformation often accelerates innovation at the expense of creating an intelligence gap with massive amounts of unanalyzed data. This is where Continuous Intelligence comes into play. Join Sumo Logic’s Systems Engineer, Suresh Govindachetty, as he demonstrates how Continuous Intelligence helps find and solve information gaps, and how a single platform approach allows organisations to combine devs, operations, and security in ways that ease the burden for all teams across the organisation.

Sumo Logic Cloud SIEM overview

Sumo Logic's Cloud SIEM solution provides security analysts with enhanced visibility to seamlessly monitor their on-prem, hybrid, and multi-cloud infrastructures and thoroughly understand the impact and context of an attack. In addition to supporting a wide spectrum of security use cases, including audit & compliance, Sumo Logic fused analytics and SOC automation to perform security analyst workflows and automatically triage alerts—increasing human efficiencies and enabling analysts to focus on higher-value security functions.

Building better software faster - the key to successful digital transformation

As digital transformation accelerates across all industries, it has become increasingly important for businesses to get better, much better at the development and delivery of new software to drive revenue and engage customers in new ways. Ironically, most businesses are flying blind in how they track, benchmark and optimize their software development. Teams that consistently innovate and deliver new, high quality software quickly generate significant competitive advantage for their companies.

A New Framework for Modern Security

We are in the midst of an unprecedented convergence of events that are forcing enterprises to dramatically change how they secure their modern businesses. With the acceleration of digital transformation from COVID-19, work-from-home initiatives, the continued growth of SaaS and the increasing adoption of microservices-based applications, the modern enterprise threat landscaping is transforming rapidly.

Kubernetes Security

Containers and Kubernetes have revolutionized the way many teams deploy applications. But with the many benefits that these technologies provide come new challenges. Key among those challenges is security. By adding more layers and complexity to application environments, containers and Kubernetes create new opportunities for attackers and new security threats for Kubernetes admins to address.

PostgreSQL vs MySQL

Despite all of the hype about NoSQL databases, MySQL and PostgreSQL are two database management systems that have truly stood the test of time. These systems were developed back in the mid 90’s, and they still consistently rank among the top 5 most popular databases across the internet. So why are they so widely used and how do they compare? Read on to find out!