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The latest News and Information on Cloud monitoring, security and related technologies.

Platform.sh is now using annual carbon intensities from Electricity Maps

One of the value propositions of Platform.sh is to offer greener hosting. By choosing cloud hosting instead of on-premise hosting, you are selecting a greener way to host your applications and websites. In addition, when creating a project, you have the option to choose the greenest region to host it. How?

How to throw custom exceptions inside Logic Apps: Using default capabilities - Avoiding too many condition actions (Part III)

Welcome to the third part of this series of blog posts on How to throw custom exceptions inside Logic Apps. In this series of five blogs, I will cover throwing custom exceptions in Logic Apps. I will cover the following topics: In this third approach, we are going to do a considerable fine-tuning of the previous approach, keeping the same capability to define custom error messages but redesigning the business logic in order to minimize the number of actions and optimize performance.

Cloud Reverse Migration: A Comprehensive Guide

The rapid technological advancements in the last decade led to a massive migration of data and applications from on-premise environments to the cloud. While this cloud migration trend dominated the IT world, a recent paradigm shift has emerged that’s moving in the opposite direction – ‘Cloud Reverse Migration’ or ‘Cloud Repatriation’.

C-Suite's Step-by-Step Guide to Successful AWS Transitioning- Part 2

After in Part 1 we have covered the first critical steps to complete before migrating to Amazon Web Services (AWS)- Cloud Adoption Readiness Assessment (CARA). We will continue Once you’ve assessed your readiness, it’s essential to develop a comprehensive cloud strategy aligning with your business goals and objectives. The strategy should cover key areas – including security, reliability, compliance and operational excellence.

Why Cost Optimization Should Be More Like Pulling Levers, Not Using Scissors

The cloud, as we know it today, was created as recently as 2006. For most of its lifespan since then, companies have been throwing money at cloud services with abandon. The competitive edge gained by having the newest, best, and most powerful tools at their disposal made it worthwhile for companies to spend ever-increasing amounts without too much worry.

The True Cost of Moving Fast & Breaking Things - An Engineering Perspective

Building a prosperous business in a cloud environment is complex, to say the least. Millions of dev hours went to waste (not to mention tens of millions of dollars) because organizations just wanted to “run fast” and deliver value - there is a price tag however, a big one. And you’re paying for it! Building a multi-tenant efficient and stable cloud environment that can work at scale without breaking and wasting resources is almost impossible.

Everything You Need to Know About Google Cloud Logs

As the affordable choice for cloud computing, Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is catching up to its competitors, like AWS and Microsoft Azure. As a business, you need the speed and scalability that the cloud provides, but you want to limit your costs to ensure you hit revenue targets. With GCP, you found a digital services business partner to help you meet your business objectives, a technology that gives you the service availability you want at the speed you need.

Snowflake Review: Why CloudZero Went With Snowflake

Every day, CloudZero helps SaaS companies understand their cloud environments and take consistent steps forward on the journey to cloud cost maturity. We discuss this a lot on our blog. What we talk about far less frequently is our own journey. One of the reasons CloudZero can help other businesses grow, change, and adapt is because we know what it’s like to shift strategies and try new things that are a little bit scary or unknown.

Crash Course on Building and Monitoring AWS CDK Apps

In this webinar, learn how to use the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) to build a complex microservice-based application and implement distributed tracing to monitor it. You'll be able to follow along with Thorsten Höeger, Cloud Automation Evangelist, and AWS CDK expert Michele Mancioppi, as they live-code an application that uses AWS Lambda with Node.js, and Amazon ECS with Java. Once built, you'll learn how you can apply distributed tracing to any AWS CDK-based application, in just a single line of code.