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The latest News and Information on Cloud monitoring, security and related technologies.

Using Ruby on AWS Lambda

When Ruby support on AWS Lambda was announced yesterday, I was so excited about it that I had to try it right away. We've been using Lambda for a while at Honeybadger, and I have longed to be able to write our functions in Ruby. Having played with the new Ruby support for a few hours, I'm feeling confident we'll be spending less time with Node, Go, and Python. :)

Datadog's Lambda Layer: Monitor custom serverless metrics

To build applications in AWS Lambda, you often need to use third party libraries and packages in your function code. Previously, these packages had to be included in a function’s deployment package. Today, Amazon Web Services released a new feature called Layers to simplify this process for Lambda developers. Layers allow you to deploy common components that you can reuse across functions, such as machine learning models, SDKs, or instrumentation libraries.

LogDNA Announces New Log Management Capabilities on IBM Cloud

LogDNA today announced a new offering that enables developers to troubleshoot coding bugs and quickly fix development errors in applications, potentially saving businesses millions of dollars in development hours, downtime and associated revenue loss. IBM Log Analysis with LogDNA integrates LogDNA services to allow developers to aggregate all their log data across applications in the IBM Cloud.

Lambda Layers & Runtime API: More Modular, Flexible Functions

Lambda layers and runtime API are two new feature of AWS Lambda which open up fun possibilities for customizing the Lambda runtime and enable decreased duplication of code across Lambda functions. Layers lets you package up a set of files and include them in multiple functions. Runtime API provides an API for interacting with the Lambda service function lifecycle events which lets you be much more flexible about what you run in your Lambda.

PHP on Lambda? Layers Makes it Possible!

AWS’s announcement of Lambda Layers means big things for those of us using serverless in production. The creation of set components that can be included with any number of Lambdas means you no longer have to zip up your application code and all its dependencies each time you deploy a serverless stack. This allows you to include dependencies that are much more bespoke to your particular serverless environment.

How to Monitor AWS Lambda with CloudWatch

Since Amazon released Lambda in late 2014, the notion of serverless applications and function-as-a-service has steadily gained steam. Being able to focus on application code and simplifying infrastructure management is alluring, but traditional monitoring methods are no longer applicable. With less visibility, it becomes even more important to take advantage of the available monitoring methods. In this post, we discuss those monitoring methods, CloudWatch Metrics and CloudWatch Logs.

Taloflow achieves AWS Technology Partner status - Advanced Tier

At Taloflow, our customers know that we are a trusted source for optimizing cloud costs and performance. Today, AWS announced that they agree. Taloflow is excited to share that we are now an AWS Technology Partner in the Advanced Tier. In order to meet the qualifications, Taloflow proved its focus on customer success and clients’ business objectives, our deep expertise of AWS, and our unique position to successfully help any enterprise in their journey to the cloud.