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The latest News and Information on Cloud monitoring, security and related technologies.

Challenges and Solutions for Scaling Kubernetes in the Hybrid Cloud

When traffic increases, we need to have a way to scale our application to keep up with user demand. With Kubernetes multi-cluster management through Rancher, scaling has never been easier and more efficient. Read here about scaling Kubernetes and the challenges you might be facing when managing a hybrid cloud environment.

What is an App in Sematext Cloud

Your software stack likely consists of web servers, search engines, queues, databases, etc. Each part of your stack emits its own metrics and logs. Depending on the size of your team and structure, different team members might have permissions to look at one set of data, but not the other. Some data is needed for troubleshooting and can be discarded after just a few days, while more important data might need to be kept for months for legal or capacity planning purposes.

Reserved Instances: Use It or Lose It

Reserved instances are one of those things that, when you first hear about them, you say, “Wow! I could save a lot of money!” And then you start to try and figure out how many you need? What sizes? Which operating systems? In which regions? Should they be convertible? Should I choose a 1-year or 3-year term? All up-front, partial up-front, or no up-front? How much compute am I actually going to need over that term?

Top 10 Azure Cognitive Services

Microsoft’s cloud-based platform Azure has helped many businesses expand and cut back on their costs associated with hosting and storing data on a traditional server. Furthermore, the platform has given developers a chance to create, manage, and deploy powerful applications capable of assisting cloud customers to perform any number of tasks. From handwriting recognition to text sentiment analysis and Bing ad-free image search, Azure’s ML-based services spans many areas.